This EBook will be teaching you to SE any Zagg product as the title has stated. Considering on how fast you can do the SE should take you about 5 minutes. I will be providing you will full support through your SE if you are having trouble with it. -Price- $10 For First 5 Copies - 15$ After The First 5 Accept BTC Accept PP [Trusted Only] Accept Csgo Skins [+20% Price] -Requirements- ● 1 Virtual Credit Card [Will Provide] ● Real Address or Drop ● About 5-10 Minutes of time ● A Brain ● A Valid Email to receive confirmation -Terms●Of●Service- Customers will be paying first Sales are final - NO REFUNDS Leaking Or Reselling this EBook will lead to a Ban I Have the right to deny you from purchasing my EBook Payments with Paypal will be sent as Friends and Familly -Contact- My Skype is live:mpghjoker_1 You can click on the button "Click To add" in my signature to add my Skype.