Hey guys, I want to sell my LoD Account. It is in the Top 3 in Arena of a very active Server. It has VIP 10 (1000€ spent), about 5M BR and lvl 80 right now. It is the best Bladedancer on the Server. The Character is in the Number 1 Guild of the Server, which guarantees easy BR progress. I want to sell the account now before I start investing more money into the game. Also I dont have as much time to play and keep it in the top ranks!! The price is 150$ and done either with the Middleman or with payment before account information. A picture of the character has been added. For further information on the gear/wings/pets please contact me!
legacy of discord-furious wings "DIAMONDS" SALE! 60% - 70% # FROM ORIGINAL PRICE FIX! REGULAR ORDERS! 25,000 DIAMONDS = 50$ USD 50,000 DIAMONDS = 100$ USD 75,000 DIAMONDS = 150$ USD 100,000 DIAMONDS = 200$ USD 150,000 DIAMONDS = 300$ USD 200,000 DIAMONDS = 400$ USD 250,000 DIAMONDS = 500$ USD 300,000 DIAMONDS = 600$ USD BULKS DIAMONDS ORDERS! 500,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 10K DIAMONDS) = 1,000$ USD 600,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 20K DIAMONDS) = 1,200$ USD 700,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 25K DIAMONDS) = 1,400$ USD 1,000,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 50K DIAMONDS) = 2,000$ USD PROOFS? SEE THIS PICTURE AS MY OLD CUSTOMERS PURCHASED FROM ME AND MADE THEIR PURCHASES AS A PROOF FOR NEW CUSTOEMERS CONTACT INFORMATION: Facebook. :https://www.Facebook..com/ryan.christopher.543 gmail: [email protected] yahoo mail: [email protected] LINE: .ryanchan.