Selling Selling 4 Dofus Accounts

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Gpmarket2, 2/2/17.

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  1. Gpmarket2

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    I do not play dofus anymore I mvoed to server 1.29

    I will be selling 4 Accounts....

    Choice 1 - Lvl 200 Feca W/ Fully scrolled / lvl 200 jewelmagus + more - Price : $75

    Choice 2 - Lvl 191 Osa W/ MP Exo Mage / Wis Scrolled + more - Price : $65

    Choice 3 - Lvl 199 Enu W/ Fully Geared / 1,000,000 and parasymbic hate + cape + more - Price : $65

    Choice 4 - Lvl 191 Masq W/ MP Exo Mage / Fully Scrolled + more - Price - $65

    Or $220 For All

    Note : Since I play on server 1.29, Eratz I will give you a account for 35M Kamas on that server.

    Also If necessary we can purchase a middleman from epicnc for a safe transaction

    Contact : [email protected] - Once you email me I'll give you my phone number
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