Sold Selling 3x lvl 80/ main warr/frostfang/twilight&sunrise cheap

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by boykepweng, 2/2/17.

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  1. boykepweng

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    Selling 3x LVL 80 main warr
    15k account value!
    Warrior 80, Mesmer 80, Ranger 80 and 3 low lvl.

    Legendary axe - Frostfang
    Legendary weapon skins: Twilight, Sunrise
    Also: Mjolnir (950g), Volcanus (550g), The Anomaly (270g), Jormag's Breath (130g)
    Outfit: Balthazar's Regalia

    NO HOT but its 50%off til feb 8 so u can buy it for 25usd

    just selling for 50usd if with HoT 75usd :D
    pretty cheap accnt.
    just pm me i can send u the API
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