Selling Here 2 accounts, one in merger 42 and other is...

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Emre Leeuvtje, 2/1/17.

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  1. Emre Leeuvtje

    Emre Leeuvtje
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    Here 2 accounts, one in merger 42 and other is in merger 45. Each have 4.500 diamonds vip6 and vip 5. Academy 85+kingdom 83/83/20, Arena and brawl positions also heroes are at photos which i sent. Price is 75€
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  2. OP
    Emre Leeuvtje

    Emre Leeuvtje
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    This is in merger 42, i ll send merger 45 one when we communicate. Its nearly same with this
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