Sold Selling Epic Account located on TRE - EU; 26 characters; 100% operations!

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Piks, 2/1/17.

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  1. Piks

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    1x Sith Marauder 70lvl
    2x Sith Juggernaut (70lvl, 1x 65lvl)
    1x Operative 70lvl
    4x Sith Assassin (2x 70lvl; 2x 65lvl)
    1x Sith Sorcerer 70lvl
    4x Mercenary (2x 70lvl; 2x 65lvl)
    6x Powertech (1x 70lvl; 5x 65lvl)
    2x Sniper (1x 70lvl, 1x 65lvl)
    1x Jedi Shadow 65lvl
    1x Commando 65lvl
    1x Vanguard 65lvl
    1x Gunslinger 65lvl
    1x Jedi Guardian 65lvl

    Legacy gear is ready to use for every character on this account. These are the most important sets (PvE):
    - healer gear (220 rating, with sorcerer bonuses);
    - dps gear (224 rating, with mercenary bonuses);
    - dps gear (220 rating, with assassin bonuses);
    - dps gear (224 rating, with sniper bonuses);
    - dps gear (240 rating, with powertech bonuses);
    - tank gear (224 rating, with assassin bonuses);
    - tank gear (224 rating, with powertech bonuses);
    - tank gear (224 rating, with juggernaut bonuses).

    Every set is augmented & optimized.

    Yavin 4 stronghold bought, no decos tho.

    Legacy level 50, everything unlocked (except for PvP dummy on a ship). All datacrons taken for each character.

    Legacy cargo bay - fully unlocked (6 bars).

    EVERY crafting skill is at 600, many schematic learned.

    Crest of the dread masters availble on assasssin, mercenary and powertech. Also, every title from operations is available: "the Revanchist", "Dread Master", "Gate Crasher", "from Beyond", "Dragonslayer", "the Unyielding", "the Infernal", "the Warstalker". Every mount dropped in operations is also available (except for terror from beyond one), they are: "wings of the architect", "dread enhanced rancor", "titan six" and more...

    Reputation is maxed on many factions. 100% operation achievements done before 4.0. Got 800+ cartel coins atm and about 20 mil credits in total. Account is subscribed status atm.

    PM for more info. I can show you screenshots and even videos.

    Price: 599$, I am open for negotations.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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