US WTS great account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Looking to sell my accounts which Haven't been played in a while. Even tho the account doesn't stand out with emperian weapons when you get down to it the account shines above most of those accounts.

    What makes this account elite is what is completed. You will have EVERY map in the game unlocked, everywhere you go, you will literally have every key item you will need, from the bracelets for pso'xja to the moongate pass, you will never find yourself lacking. Main job was Blackmage which is the reason for lack of emperians.

    selling both accounts as a package as they are both linked with square enix id. I will do a short list of key points of interest for the accounts if you wish to know more and see screen shots let me know and we will discuss further information.

    Account 1

    95 Blm, 95 Thf, 90 Whm, 90 War, 90 Mnk, 90 Rdm, 90 Pld, 90 Drk, 85 Bst, 84 Brd, 90 Rng, 90 Sam, 91 Nin, 90 Drg, 90 Smn, 90 Blu, 87 Cor, 85 Pup, 78 Sch, 78 Dnc.

    95 Goldsmithing, 55 smithing, 60 Clothcraft, 60 Alchemy, 60 Woodworking, 56 Leathercraft, 58 Bonecraft, 53 Cooking, 10 Fishing, 70 Synergy.

    Rank 10 all nations (Bastok home nation with every single outpost warp including Sarutabaruta and Ronfaure)
    Zilart - Complete
    COP- Complete
    TOAU - Complete
    Altana - Crossroads of Time
    ACP - Complete
    MKD - Complete
    ASA - Complete
    Assault - Captain
    Nyzul - FL100 Complete
    Dynamis - Complete
    Dynamis Dreamland - Complete
    Limbus - Omega and Ultima defeated

    Relic/mythic/Emperian progress:
    Relic - None

    Mythic - Captain rank complete, 4/4 Chariots Defeated, 2/3 Kings killed (missing medusa)
    also currently have Tinin pop built for znm

    Emperian - Twashtar - all pre-trials done including enm's 5/50 Shells 12/50 Scales and about 10 Claws

    full af+2 for blm and thf, love torque, epona's ring, hecate's earring, owleyes, serpentes hands and feet +3 thunder and ice trial staffs, pluvale, 5/5 denali, 5/5 homam, askar body, Portent pants, many other plus 1 and 2 gears, way to much stuff to list nearly 600 days played.

    Account 2

    91 Whm pl account, has most +1 items for whm as well as some +2, has +2 magian cure staff, +50% cure potency, rdm, whm and sch subs

    starting bids no less than $500
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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