Sold Selling Huge elsword acount BM 99 +10 perki wep! DC 92 10 enhance wep and many more!

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by iaverageman, 1/31/17.

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  1. iaverageman

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    This acount has 4 +10 weapons, 1 being the raven perki wep, 1 Is a enhance Glitter wep for Chung, one is a time and space wep for lv 70 and for luceil, and there is a other wep for raven lv 70. It has 4 5/5 grendized sets 1 for lv 70 and the one for lv 70 is all +9 and had the wep for elsword and raven. *both +9). And it has one all enhance set. Many ice berners and costume parts. All over 8 characters are over lv 70 and have skill slot B and almost all in transcended. Also has 2 chiba suits and a small amount of ed and many more thing that I am forgetting about I quit a few months ago so it wil probably have whatever hero return thing is going on ad well. I have gotten the BM and 2 of the chung to SS rank very easily. Would like at least $240 but can go lower for sure.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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