Selling Selling: ~ around 1k usd / 935€ Contac via...

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by David Ros, 1/30/17.

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  1. David Ros

    David Ros
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    Selling: ~ around 1k usd / 935€ Contac via message in Facebook. or line id: drospro Account Features: - Level 146 - 76500 gems sold with account - 10037 Mutagen (at time of post) - 4.779.408 Souls (at time of post) - 36.703 rings (at time of post) - Maintains 3600/3700 torphies without me ever doing Lords League. Heros: - Renee Ven - Pisces enlighten 8 / lvl 200 / 22 skill / Maxed Mercs / Full Glory / enchantment level 80 - Chiron - piscies / lvl 200 / 25 skill/ maxed mercs / Full Glory / enchantment level 30 - Great Sage - Pisces / lvl 200 / 20 skill / maxed Mercs / Full Glory / enchantment level 41 - Ambrosia - Pisces / lvl 200 / 25 skill / Maxed Mercs / full Glory / / enchantment level 74 - Abyss Demon - Pisces / lvl 195/200 / 20 skill / lvl 45-4-4 Mercs / Full Glory / enchantment level 39 - Landslide - piscies/ lvl 193/200 / 20 skill / 45-4-4 Mercs / Full Glory /enchantment level 30 - Sapphirix - piscies / lvl 193/200 / 20 skill / 42-3-3 mercs/ full glory/enchantment level 10 - Hydrasaurs - Pisces / lvl 190/200 / 20 skill / 42-3-3 Mercs / Full Glory / enchantment level 42 - Arctic Lord - Scorpio / lvl 190/190 / 20 skill /35-2-2 Mercs / Full Glory / ench. 5 - Enchantress -Pisces / lvl 190/190 / 20 skill / 42-3-3 Mercs / 10/12 Glory / enchantment level 59 - Pan Goli - libra / lvl 189/190 / 20 skill / 39-2-0 Mercs / Full Glory - Pounder - saggitarius / lvl 187/195 / 41-3-0 Mercs / Full Glory - Won Ton - Pisces / lvl 185/190 / 20 skill / 45-4-4 Mercs / 10-12 Glory / enchantment level 51 - Skull Mage - leo / lvl 180/185 / 20 skill / 25-0-0 Mercs / Full Glory - Berserker - Aquarius / lvl 180/180 / 20 skill / 41-3-3 Mercs / 9/12 Glory - Arcane caster - scorpio/ lvl 179/190 / 20 skill / 30-0-0 mercs/ full glory/enchantment level 10 other heroes: -Block head 157/180 / skill 15 / full glory -Toxic shaman 141/150 / skill 16 / 4 glory - Savage chief 130/180 / skill 15 / full glory -carol d'belle 121/180 / skill 15 / full glory - berserker 120/120 skill 18 / 0 0glory -bullhead 120/120 / skill 11 -rath 116 / 120 / skill 16 - Djinni 105/120 / skill 18 - Demon slayer 82/140 / 4 glory / skill 15 -wolvefiend lvl 32 - blitz bomber 53/180 / full glory / skill 15 -Piropete 160/160 / skill 20 -piropete57/160 / skill 20 Many others low level full glory: hidra, glory priestess, rene ven, dark rider, air elite. lvl 1 heroes: 2 dark riders, 3 skull mages, 4 glory priestess, 6 air elite, 4 savage chiefs, 2 blitz bomber, 6 hidrasours, 5 blockheads, 1 pounder, 8 pangolis, 4 abyss demon, 5 rene ven, 5 chiron, 3 artic lord 3 carol d belle, 4 saphirix, 2 great sage, 1 landslide, 2 ambrosias 1 bullhead 4 glory eggs Shards: - Arcane Caster - 1060 - Dark Raider - 8454 - Ironclad - 0 - Landslide - 2274 - Carol - 5273 - Toxic Shaman - 900 - Pan Goli - 12883 - Wolvenfiend - 79 - Arctic Lord - 10793 - Renee Ven - 672 - Berserker - 1230 - Ambrosia - 1637 - Great Sage - 3364 - Chiron - 3108 - Abyss Demon - 5274 - Rath - 710 - Blockhead - 12297 - Bullhead - 4689 - Won Ton - 673 - Savage Chief - 5234 - Enchantress - 550 - Demon Slayer - 4454 - Djinni - 20070 - Skull Mage - 9479 - Sapphirix - 2405 - Hydrasaurs - 5888 - Pounder - 8240 - Blitz Bomber - 3624 - Glory Priestess - 14135 - Air Elite - 8109 items:(150+ are yellows) Thunderblades: 170 / 110 / 50 / 40 Arcane tomes: 160 / 100 / 40 Dragon heart: 160 / 90 / Demonic axe: 150 Thorned bow 140 / 100 / 52 Holy hammer 116 / 70 Tyrants brand 30 Maxed town hall, hero halls , mines, vaults and alchemy walls lvl 10/11 5 vs statues lvl 33, the 6th moving to 20 reapers : 33 /13/ 15/ 24/ 13/ 22 snipers: 24 / 23 / 23 / 22 /22/23 / 30 / 40
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    David Ros

    David Ros
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