Looking for $40-50USD via PayPal or a Google Play card. Name your price between those intervals. Picture of the account here: http://i.imgur.com/PfweA9L.jpg This account features Rank 150 with 100LP. The 3 URs are tricolor, featuring Cool Rin, Smile Umi, and Pure Maki. All three are idolized. The single SSR Hanamaru is idolized. All SRs are idolized with the exception of one. There are 24 Rs. 6 need to be bonded. 12 are idolized. Has Maki and Umi badges, and all songs to get other member badges. This account is semi-farmable: Some songs are not expert cleared. Almost all master songs not cleared. Some Ns have not been bonded. I am using a middleman whose info will be given when price is agreed on to ensure that this is 100% real. Interested buyers, please contact me at basedjotaro@ gmail.com.