Hello, I'm selling these accounts so do take a look at what i got to offer : * Account 1 : (Price : 5$) (Fresh) 5 STAR : Ramza,Krile. 4 STAR : Snow,Vanille,Fang,Gilbert,Russel,Krile. 3 STAR : Zidane,Cloud of Darkness,Kefka,Faris,Firion x2,Garland,Medius,Charlotte and more! * Account 2 : (Price : 15$) (Fresh) 5 STAR : Lightning. 4 STAR : Chizuru,Mercedes,Medius,Rydia,Sabin. 3 STAR : Zidane,Cecil,Roselia,Cloud of Darkness x2,Artemios,Kefka,Terra,Amarant,Charlotte and more! * Account 3 : (Price : Offer) Rank 19 5 STAR : Lightning, Dark Knight Cecil. 4 STAR : Santa Roselia,Exdeath,Faris,Terra,Medius,Chantotto,Edgar ,Rydia,C yan. 3 STAR : Bartz x2,Miyuki,Artemios,Ludmille,Locke,Tellah,Freya,Cha rlotte,Fang,Golbez and more! * Account 4 : (Price : Offer) Rank 92 - My best account yet 6 STAR : Cloud of Darkness,Refia,Cecil,Bartz. 5 STAR : Gilgamesh,Dark Knight Cecil,Maxwell,Arc,Tellah,Rydia,Cerius,CoD,Kefka,Va an,Fina,Lenna,Locke,Kain,Golbez,Rain,Lasswell. 4 STAR : Agrias,Exdeath,Medius,Miyuki,Firion,Garland,Chizur u x2,Roselia,Garnet,Hope,Mustadio,Rosa x2,Amarant,Hayate,Arc,Faris,Mercedes x2 and more! 3 STAR : Zidane x2,Black Cat Lid,Magitek Armor Terra,Cecil x2 (one with level 9 LB),Exdeath x4,CoD x2,Ludmille,Nichol and LOTS more! TMs : DualWield,DualCast,Barrage,Excalibur,Gungnir,Risin g Sun,Equip Heavy Shield and other minors. Note that this account NEVER used any injections or mods,and all mentioned TM show 100% on the unit. Also has 10% Trust Moogle x3 , and 5% Trust Moogle x1. Espers : ALL 2 Stars. Siren lvl 40,Ifrit 40,Golem 40,Ramuh 38,Diabolos 34,Shiva 34,Carbuncle 19. Items : 47 Phoenix Downs,184 Star Quartz,65 Elixirs,10 Y-Potion,10 Mega Ether,3 Magic Keys. Materials : Too much to list but it has STACKS of all Crysts (only some fire crests) and Mega Crysts, stacks of Ores, around 100 of EACH awakening material including the unique ones, 77 Holy Crystals, 50 Sacred Crystals, 46 Divine Crystals, 65 Fairies' Writ, 65 Rainbow Blooms, 79 Calamity Gems, 77 Prismatic Horns, 92 Calamity Writ. Equipment : 6 Hero's Rings,Excalibur,Rising Sun,Gungnir,Enhancer,Chirijiraden,Thorned Mace,Shining Splendor,Blood Sword,Vernard,Mighty Hammer,Death playerup.com,Lunar Pestle,Lad Mirazh,Murasame,Killer Bow,Twin Lance,Kitchen Knife,Wizard Rod,Lilith Rod,Magi Robe,Creepy Mask,Survivor Helm,Golden Helm,Dark Helm,Grand Helm,Reflect Mail,Force Armor,Candy Basket,Defender's Bracer,Thief Bracer,Defense Bracer,2 Angel Ring,Charm Bangle,Wall Ring,Jeweled Ring,2 Gold Armlet and more! PM me https://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/smile.png
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Have any fresh account with Noctis? I might consider account 2 but unsure if i shld buy a Noctis or lightning
Can't edit it right now, if i could i would have, you can only edit it up to 24 hours after creation.