IOS Lv600 15 SFs/ 10 SFs+

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anonymous159, 1/29/17.

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  1. Anonymous159

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    Hello i'm SELLING (NOT TRADING) my main account on IOS Global Servers, PAY FIRST ONLY
    No scammers, no low ballers, don't waste my time. Plan on selling before going on vacation on Feb27th. KnD is time comsuming and can't focus on RL playing this game. I've put thousands on this account so starting offer will have to be at the least $500. Aqueous+ can solo Lv6 Raid bosses. I hit 280m during Spirit/Water raid/ 9m On Lv6s so it was Freeplay. Very strong account. If you type somewhat retarded or Seem like a Scammer you will be blocked. Fire Season is February so you can do TopRaid runs for free with this account. I will provide pics through Line, my Id is zfur, Btw spending $500 or more on this account beats doing a $500 chest run. Don't be stupid and say its not worth this much. I expect to get more than $500 just starting the offer at that.

    $500 can get 5,600 gems 30% off (7x$70=490 w/o tax). 5,600 gems can probably get you 10SFs or even more depending on luck. You will also have to level those SFs also needing Silver Coins for MAX Them so if thats your way of saying my deals unreal simply just piss off.

    Once again no LowBallers or scumbags. I have sold 4 accounts before and have contacts/transactions to prove so. Thanks for your time!
    List of armors below.

    ShadowForged Armors:
    Aqueous 10/10 With Set
    Aqueous+ 10/10
    Corinthian Steamshield 10/10 With Set
    Corinthian Steamshield+ Lv0
    Dragonvoid Eternal+ 5/10 With Set
    Wildwood Eternal+ 5/10 With Set
    Volcanic Indusia 10/10 With Set
    Ivorydrake Eternal 6/10 With Set
    Malevent Wingplate 6/10
    Malevent Wingplate+ 6/10
    Vine Horror Cuirass 9/10
    Orsini Thunderaxe 6/10
    Inquisitore Caligo 8/10
    Erebus Ward 10/10
    Silvanus Stonemail Lv64
    Silvanus Stonemail+ 1/10
    Terraveil Stormcoat Lv52
    Clepsydra Brassgear Lv35
    Clepsydra Brassgear+ Lv0
    Chronos Regalia Lv35
    Chronos Regalia+ Lv0
    Aeolian Abomination Lv35
    Aeolian Abomination+ Lv0
    Crownplate Eternal+ Lv33 With Set
    Aqens Void Lv1
    Erebus Eternal+ Lv0 With Set

    Materials it has:
    9/10 Beast Shanks
    5/5 Shade Essences
    3/10 Magic Horns
    2/10 Icedrop Drakeberries
    2/10 Frozen Mistcharms
    4/10 Dragon Coins

    Also 22 DFs, Some are Plus.

    Detros Tier4 Lv76
    Raidos Tier3 Lv76
    Shalewyrm Tier3 Lv63
    Ranine Tier3 Lv52

    Ignuswyrm Lv80
    Gildhorn Lv80
    Tempestwyrm Lv80

    Ultra Rare
    Kappadrake Lv70

    Maxed Castle / 3 Gold armorsmiths / 12 Gold Training Grounds
    600 Gems at the moment.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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