EU ffxi accounts 2 empyrean+1 relic

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Like title say,i sell 2 ffxi accounts eu linked to the same square enix account.I'm the original owner and i have all info/codes about the accounts.
    First account has a mithra with 95 drk,blm,thf,whm with this equipment:
    Twashtar 90
    Mandau 95
    Ragnarok 4th stage
    thf af3+2 5/5
    blm af3+2 5/5
    whm af3+2 5/5
    epona's ring
    tamas ring
    ulthalamas ring
    surya's staff +3(heal potency +23%)
    and lot of more equip.....
    Gils on hand 3,6m
    Second account has a female hume with 90 smn,nin,mnk with this equipment:
    Kannagi 90
    Revenant fists +2
    af3+2 ninja 5/5
    af3+2 smn 5/5
    evoker's ring
    epona's ring
    ulthalamas ring
    tamas ring
    and lot of more equip
    Both characters are on ragnarok server and transfer is up.
    I have purchased all abyssea expansions for both account and chains of promathia,zilart,aht urghan,a cristalline prophecy.
    Atmas i got for the character are too much to write here but most important they got(both) are rr,vv,mm,apocalypse,allure,omnipotent,ecc...
    Starting bid is 800,buyout 1500$, payment is wu or paypal(lf you use paypal you have to wait that i transfer the money to my bank account before i send information about the account)
    MM is accepted but buyer has to pay it.
    Here are some ss of both accounts:
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