Buying Buying Global K&D account. (I also have trades)

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Apyrexial, 1/28/17.

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  1. Apyrexial

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    Looking for another global acc either on ios or droid i have both.

    Budget: $100

    -Dont really need the account, im simply looking to help out a mate of mine.
    -Not looking for anything in specific just would like to see what we ca get for $100.
    -I can provide a middleman if needed, sometimes its just for the best that everyone feels comfortable buying/selling/trading.
    -I also have accounts (3 Global /2 ios /1 android) for trade just message me if you're interested.

    Only looking for serious inquiries.

    Contact Information-

    Kik messenger: Preefix
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