Selling Allods ONLINE ( Op Warden for sell)

Discussion in 'Allods Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by storm02, 1/28/17.

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  1. storm02

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    i want to sell my acount league warden that has :
    Runes : 11-11-11 / 8-8-8 and gs 80k warden
    mounts : manabike with 11 others
    Radiant Strongbox :
    Radiant Strongbox of the Archivist : 1+2+3
    Radiant Strongbox of the carnifex : 1+2+3+4
    Radiant Strongbox of conclave : 1+2+3
    Radiant Strongbox of counselor : 1+2+3+4
    Radiant Strongbox of the inventor : full
    Radiant Strongbox of the jeweler : 1+2+3
    Radiant Strongbox of the mentor : 1+2+3
    Radiant Strongbox of the merchant : full
    summon master goblin
    ressign stat point
    ressign talents point and rubies
    thunderstrake protection
    Radiant Strongbox of pilgrim : full

    Ship with full decoration and Improved hull
    Scroll of the vicious wizzard with Ornament emblem
    frozen tear of dragon
    Bag with 54 slots
    3 crafting profession level 75
    9 Icrarnation level 65!!! and 1 level 72
    +300 costumes
    maze with 8 Towers

    and more ..
    offer me price on private chat
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  2. Mohmed260

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    Your offer
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