Sold [Selling] WTS>Acc | 19k+ PR | NN | DDE |Ganda|All Dragon | 300++ Mastery|MAX Magic Find

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by gaxilu99, 1/28/17.

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  1. gaxilu99

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    I'm quitting Trove so I decided to sell it.

    Why you should buy this account :
    -Main Class is the fastest farming class in game ( Neon Ninja)
    -You can ONE hit any Dungeon Boss
    -It has a 17k+ Pirate Captain and some class on lv 30
    -You can Outrun Outfarm any class in Trove
    -320+ Diamond Dragonite get ready for you to craft a Diamond Dragon.
    -Purchased Skin Pack for Nine initial classes.
    -Fully gear and ready to rock the world.
    -All dragon unlocked, GANDA of course.
    -A full inventory of Stellar Equips to sell for massive flux.
    -Unlock the latest dragon to gain Full magic Find with Patron.
    -Have 40 days of Patron waiting to be activated.
    -Cubits and Empowered Gem Boxes
    - 3-4 Diamond Dragonite Weekly
    -Easily win weekly contest with this nice PR

    I have spent over thousand dollars on this account, I have spent both money and time on it so this account really is a good value for your money. Let's just imagine what you can achieve with the fastest class in game, you can really enjoy the feeling of one hit kill and Newbies following you when you are clearing dungeon like a FLASH. For this price what you getting is the large amount of time you save and save your precious Money on a ********-like system for hopeless result. TRUST me, don't waste your time farming with a low PR account or even spend the money on those ripped off Packs.

    Price: USD 329 (#)
    Payment Method: Paypal or Bank remittance
    PM me on FB: Dave Koh Ming
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