Berserk in akaldus server: Jumawu crossbow with 3 slots Ruinous lance 2 slots Full 40 lvl heroic armors with 2 slots keravs and rondo sealed. Metal Leviathan skin for Void letonsia(legendary) Mecha phantom skin for Phantom(legendary) Mecha karasha skin for Dragon familiars(legendary) Poison matura skin for caspert and lunafont(legendary) and many skins Heroic or elite Bismuth(Pet) +3 upgraded . With op items Sword like legendary and rondo sealed on items with keravs... Some pics About account: (please copy link) This account in best guild in akaldus we won every manastone battle active players in guild you can find a party for every dungeon legends new attius This is my Facebook. account link: We can talk on skype just add me and give me your adress...