Hi everyone, I want to sell my personnal FF Brave Exvius account because I don't play this game anymore. If you want more details, private message me, I'll give you as much informations as I can. UNITS (Units with "MAX" are maxed level and rarity ) - Noctis (level 38 5*) - Lightning MAX - Luneth MAX - Refia MAX - Cecil MAX - Vaan MAX - Agrias MAX - Lenna MAX - Tellah MAX - Maxwell MAX - Exdeath (level 9 6*) - Chizuru (level 80 5*) - Bartz (level 1 6*) TMR Units (Units with MAX have received their TMR) - Chizuru MAX - Shantoto MAX - Tellah MAX - Lenna MAX - Ludmilla MAX - Cecil MAX - Hayate MAX - Galuf 76,3% - Ingus 70% - Vivi 60,8% - Luna 55% - Kain 50% - Exdeath 45,7% - Refia 41,5% - Arc 40% - Miyuki 37,3% - Locke 25,4% - Miyuki 19,9% - Zidane 19,3% - Golbez 18,2% - Leo 15% - Zidane 9,2% - Luneth 8,7% - Lightining 6% - Agrias 4,4% - Noctis 3,0% Other TMR Units at 0% : - 4 Cecil - Chizuru - Terra - Zidane - Medius - 2 Kefka - Gaffgarion - Snow (0,2%) - Mercedes - Maxwell (0,1%) - Karl (0,2%) MP your prices, don't hesitate to message here to notify me if you sent me an offer.