I want to buy an alphatesters account of World of Warplanes. it has to have the reward plane Me.210 Did test the game myself for 1and1/2 year... plus 2000 games and forum feedback. but WarGaming took me the chance to fly the Me.210 in released game. So! "wanted for good money, WoWp accounnt incl. Me.210"
Even when you have a World of Tanks account linked,.. no problem if you want more money. I will buy the WoT account so you can re-buy your tanks. I really don't care for statts.. I want to play the heavy-fighter line. but only if it's complete. Ask friends if you know an alpha-tester.
If somebody knows or sees a WoWp account incl. Me.210, please notify me. If I will get that AlphaTesters account via that info, I will reward the one who helped me. Simple fact, I only start playing WoWp again if I can fly the Me.210 Did fly it in test-fase... want to fly it in released game. Just name the price, I want it bad. Thank's for reading, nice gaming to all
Tested the WoWp game. almost for 2 year! Did test it in Alphafase aswell (friends account) But WarGamings reward system was not pointed to the effort people putted into the game. Maybe an Alpha-tester who doesn't like the game or likes an other game more... Or an Alpha-tester who doesn't care for the giftplane, is willing to sell his/her account. I just want to rly the Me.210 too. WarGaming stupid choice to take out the Me.210 for almost every player in game, was a serious mistake! I will look for an WoWp Alpha account, till I find one, even when it will take 2 years. again have fun to all.
Hey Gamers,... I'm still on! So, to the alpha testers that didn't start there game well... stats wise, sell it to me! Start a new account, more lucky. Everybody knows some accounts are just not into the high winning-rate. no matter what. So that new account could bring you more. Anyway, just try to stay on-air