Sold Iss 103/Titan 101/Items and alts

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bestiss, 1/26/17.

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  1. bestiss

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    I am selling the several items:

    Iss Hierophant 103 62% / Titan 101 45% - Never banned, only owner

    The character has:

    Radient Brooch
    - Diamond lv 3
    - Tanzanite lv 1
    - Ruby lv 3
    - Opal lv 3
    - Obsidian lv 2
    - Red Cat's Eye lv 2

    Giant Auguments
    - Sleep
    - Celestial
    - Giant Critical Weakness

    Iss Skills Enchantment
    - Sonatas +10, some others +5

    Titan Skills Enchantment
    - Second Wind +10
    - Feral Bear Cry +10
    - Rage +10
    - Spirit of the Slayer +10
    - Giant Barrier +10
    - Frenzy +10
    - Furious Slasher +10

    Pom Iss Eviscerator 85 / Iss Hierophant 101 naked

    SoS toon - Iss Sword Muse 99/ SoS 100 naked


    R99 LA set +10
    - Blessed Helmet
    - Bloody Chest
    - Blessed Leggings
    - Regular gloves
    - Regular boots

    +9 Bloody retributer 2 sa stg 5 (might/death)
    25b adena
    Bless tw leather +8

    PM on forum for skype or prices

    Western Union prefered
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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