Sold [Selling] XB1 Massive neverwinter account

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by liljshorty, 1/25/17.

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  1. liljshorty

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    Selling my xb1 neverwinter account.
    Main is 4k hr.*Hr has 6 legendary mounts equipped. Golden lion tensors disk skeleton steed imperial rage drake beholder tank armored axe beak. 13 mythic artifacts. legendary twisted set drowned set and stronghold set. Legendary seldarine set lostmouth set demogorgons set and legendary dex belt. Hr has all masterwork tools with lots of mats and 1 legendary profession tool for alchemy. has 15 brutals in offensive front and back with adorable rings and talisman on legendary fire archon. dark 12 in defensive and a trans dread with 5 r12 quartermaster in utilities.
    Account also has a cleric with full legendary and mythics. a gf with full legendary and mythics. a gwf full legendary and mythics. a control wizard with legendary gear.
    Account has 53 character slots half of which already has salvage stored on it. (about 15 mil in salvage)
    About 30 r10 enchants across characters. an additional 3 r12 bondings, 6 radiant 12, 3 azure 12 1 cruel 12.
    Has 14k tradebars, and also currently has 100000 zen and about 400 days VIP.*Account also has*a minimum of lvl 18 leadership on all 53 characters. That's the most importants there are other random things the account has.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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