Sold Selling Founders pvp account for sale. Multiple 70's. Rare items!

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Weenei, 1/24/17.

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  1. Weenei

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    1k CC to Transfer to whatever server you want.
    Collectors edition upgrade is also present.

    Rare Items include.

    - Revan Reborn Armor Set in collections. Sells for 400 Mill on server.

    - Shae Vizla's Armor Set in collections. Sells for 60 Mill.

    - Revan's Mask through cartel certificates that I also own. Sells for 80 mill

    - Ajunta Pall's Armor set through collections. Sells for 45 mill.

    - Primeval Stalker set through collections. Sells for 100 mill.

    - Volatile Conqueror's Lightsaber in collections. Sells for 25 Mill

    - Black Nebula Heavy Blaster in collections. Sells for 10 Mill

    - *New* Ultra Rare CM weapon 'Unstable Peacemaker's Lightsaber' in collections as well. Sells for 100+ mill

    Much more rare items such as mounts, emotes, crystals and titles included.


    Sith Juggernaut 70 Geared and Augmented

    Mercenary 70 Geared and Augmented

    Sniper 70 Fully Augmented.

    Sith Marauder 70 Fully Augmented

    Sith Sorcerer 65 Old PvP gear equipped (set bonus included).

    Power Tech 65 shares old set bonus legacy gear with VG above.

    Operative 65 Old PvP gear equipped (set bonus included)

    Jedi Guardian 70 Legacy Gear shared with Jugg

    Jedi Sentinal 70 Legacy Gear shared with Marauder

    Commando 70 Legacy Gear shared with Merc

    Vanguard 65 Old PvP gear equipped (set bonus included)

    Gunslinger 65 Shares legacy gear with Sniper.

    Scoundrel 65 Shares Legacy gear with Operative

    Jedi Sage 61 Old PvP gear equipped (set bonus included)

    More randoms on other servers but I only listed the notable one's above.

    -Season 3 top tier titles along with Season 3 Black Silver crystals and 'Furious' weapons.
    -Season 4 top tier PvP only mount also earned along with Title.
    -Season 5 PvP only Gladiatorial Nexu and Giradda's Special Pet Nexu mounts also earned.

    *will continue to update when the servers are back up from maintenance*

    Starting Price $250

    PM for contact information.

    Post offers below.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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