Buy Amarr EVE, EVE Online Amarr, EVE Online Character

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by EVE, 11/11/13.

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  1. EVE

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Characters Skill Points: 44800000
    Main Characters Attributes:
    Charisma: 17
    Intelligence: 21
    Memory: 18
    Perception: 23
    Willpower: 23
    Main Characters Group:
    Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 203
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 1500000000
    How many additional characters are on your account?:
    Alternative Characters Race: Minmatar
    Alternative Characters Skill Points: 530000
    Alternative Characters Attributes:
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Characters Skill Points: 38000000
    Main Characters Attributes: Yes
    Charisma: 9
    Intelligence: 21
    Memory: 20
    Perception: 23
    Willpower: 21
    Main Characters Group:
    Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 133
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    List Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 700000000
    How many additional characters are on your account?:
    Alternative Characters Race: Amarr
    Alternative Characters Skill Points: 7000000
    Alternative Characters Attributes:
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Character Skill Points: 26362601
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Amarr Battleship V Support V
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    List Characters Assets: Amarr Carrier Skillbook
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 470000000
    How many Alts are on your Account?:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Character Skill Points: 21000000
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK:
    How many Alts are on your Account?:
    Alternate Character Race: Caldari
    Alternate Character Skill Points: 800000
    Alternate Character Race: Gallente
    Alternate Character Skill Points: 800000

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Character Skill Points: 12231305
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants: level1 Anchoring level2 Amarr Drone Specialization level0 Caldari Drone Specialization level1 Combat Drone Operation level1 Drone Durability level2 Drone Interfacing level1 Drone Navigation level1 Drone Sharpshooting level5 Drones level1 Heavy Drone Operation level3 Mining Drone Operation level5 Scout Drone Operation level4 Cloaking level5 Electronics level5 Electronics Upgrades level4 Long Range Targeting level1 Propulsion Jamming level3 Survey level4 Targeting level3 EM Shield Compensation level2 Energy Emission Systems level4 Energy Grid Upgrades level4 Energy Management level2 Energy Pulse Weapons level4 Energy Systems Operation level4 Engineering level3 Shield Compensation level3 Shield Emission Systems level3 Shield Management level4 Shield Operation level4 Shield Upgrades level4 Tactical Shield Manipulation level4 Controlled Bursts level5 Gunnery level2 Large Hybrid Turret level3 Medium Hybrid Turret level3 Sharpshooter level5 Small Hybrid Turret level1 Trajectory Analysis level2 Weapon Upgrades level3 Hemorphite Processing level3 Ice Harvesting level5 Industry level2 Kernite Processing level2 Mass Production level4 Mining level3 Omber Processing level4 Plagioclase Processing level1 Pyroxeres Processing level3 Refinery Efficiency level5 Refining level1 Scordite Processing level3 Veldspar Processing level4 Analytical Mind level4 Clarity level4 Eidetic Memory level4 Empathy level3 Focus level4 Instant Recall level4 Iron Will level4 Learning level4 Logic level4 Spatial Awareness level4 Hull Upgrades level3 Jury Rigging level3 Mechanic level2 Remote Armor Repair Systems level2 Repair Systems level3 Salvaging level1 Shield Rigging level4 Cruise Missiles level2 Defender Missiles level2 Guided Missile Precision level3 Heavy Missiles level4 Missile Bombardment level5 Missile Launcher Operation level3 Missile Projection level4 Rapid Launch level4 Rockets level3 Standard Missiles level2 Target Navigation Prediction level3 Warhead Upgrades level4 Afterburner level5 Evasive Maneuvering level1 High Speed Maneuvering level4 Navigation level1 Warp Drive Operation level5 Astrogeology level3 Astrometrics level1 Cybernetics level2 Infomorph Psychology level3 Metallurgy level3 Connections level3 Social level5 Advanced Spaceship Command level3 Amarr Frigate level2 Battlecruisers level4 Caldari Battleship level4 Caldari Cruiser level5 Caldari Frigate level5 Caldari Industrial level1 Covert Ops level2 Destroyers level1 Exhumers level1 Interceptors level5 Mining Barge level2 Minmatar Battleship level4 Minmatar Cruiser level4 Minmatar Frigate level5 Spaceship Command level1 Contracting level2 Trade
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 300000000
    How many Alts are on your Account?:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Character Skill Points: 26000000
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK:
    How many Alts are on your Account?:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Character Skill Points: 4868456
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants: +3 implants for mem, int, willpower and perc
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    List Characters Assets: caldari covert ops frig
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 20000000
    How many Alts are on your Account?:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Character Skill Points: 10589321
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK:
    How many Alts are on your Account?:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Character Skill Points: 5800000
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 300000000
    How many Alts are on your Account?:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Male Caldari on Tranquility

    Account Information
    Main Characters Skill Points: 87000000
    Main Characters Attributes: Yes
    Charisma: 21
    Intelligence: 27
    Memory: 26
    Perception: 27
    Willpower: 26
    Main Characters Group:
    Main Characters Total Number Of Skills:
    List Skills, Specs, and Implants:
    Describe All Characters Assets:
    Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK:
    How many additional characters are on your account?:

    Additional Information

    Total ISK
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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