Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 58600000 Main Characters Attributes: Yes Charisma: 16 Intelligence: 26 Memory: 24 Perception: 25 Willpower: 20 Main Characters Group: Tank,combat,miner Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 232 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Riggins Attributes Intelligence: 26.40 Perception: 25.30 Charisma: 16.50 Willpower: 20.90 Memory: 24.20 Corporation Management level2Anchoring level5Corporation Management level2Ethnic Relations level3Megacorp Management Total Skillpoints in Group: 292,573 Drones level4Amarr Drone Specialization level3Caldari Drone Specialization level3Combat Drone Operation level4Drone Durability level5Drone Interfacing level3Drone Navigation level4Drone Sharpshooting level5Drones level2Gallente Drone Specialization level4Heavy Drone Operation level2Mining Drone Operation level1Minmatar Drone Specialization level1Repair Drone Operation level5Scout Drone Operation level2Sentry Drone Interfacing Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,714,188 Electronics level4Cloaking level2Electronic Warfare level5Electronics level5Electronics Upgrades level5Long Range Targeting level2Multitasking level2Propulsion Jamming level2Sensor Linking level5Signature Analysis level3Survey level1Target Painting level5Targeting level2Weapon Disruption Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,100,257 Engineering level1Capital Shield Operation level5EM Shield Compensation level4Energy Emission Systems level5Energy Grid Upgrades level5Energy Management level2Energy Pulse Weapons level5Energy Systems Operation level5Engineering level5Explosive Shield Compensation level5Kinetic Shield Compensation level5Shield Compensation level4Shield Emission Systems level5Shield Management level5Shield Operation level5Shield Upgrades level5Tactical Shield Manipulation level5Thermic Shield Compensation Total Skillpoints in Group: 7,097,849 Gunnery level3Advanced Weapon Upgrades level4Controlled Bursts level5Gunnery level5Large Beam Laser Specialization level5Large Energy Turret level5Large Hybrid Turret level4Large Pulse Laser Specialization level4Medium Beam Laser Specialization level5Medium Energy Turret level4Medium Hybrid Turret level2Medium Projectile Turret level4Medium Pulse Laser Specialization level5Motion Prediction level4Rapid Firing level5Sharpshooter level4Small Beam Laser Specialization level5Small Energy Turret level4Small Hybrid Turret level3Small Projectile Turret level4Small Pulse Laser Specialization level5Surgical Strike level5Trajectory Analysis level5Weapon Upgrades Total Skillpoints in Group: 11,329,809 Industry level1Deep Core Mining level2Hedbergite Processing level2Hemorphite Processing level3Ice Harvesting level1Ice Processing level5Industry level3Jaspet Processing level2Kernite Processing level2Mass Production level5Mining level2Mining Upgrades level3Omber Processing level3Plagioclase Processing level5Production Efficiency level3Pyroxeres Processing level5Refinery Efficiency level5Refining level3Scordite Processing level2Scrapmetal Processing level3Veldspar Processing Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,410,555 Leadership level4Armored Warfare level5Leadership level4Mining Foreman level5Siege Warfare level1Siege Warfare Specialist level2Skirmish Warfare level4Warfare Link Specialist level1Wing Command Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,226,633 Learning level5Analytical Mind level5Clarity level5Eidetic Memory level4Empathy level5Focus level5Instant Recall level5Iron Will level5Learning level5Logic level5Spatial Awareness Total Skillpoints in Group: 4,397,836 Mechanic level4Armor Rigging level3Astronautics Rigging level5EM Armor Compensation level3Energy Weapon Rigging level5Explosive Armor Compensation level3Frigate Construction level5Hull Upgrades level4Jury Rigging level5Kinetic Armor Compensation level3Launcher Rigging level5Mechanic level3Remote Armor Repair Systems level3Remote Hull Repair Systems level5Repair Systems level3Salvaging level4Shield Rigging level5Thermic Armor Compensation Total Skillpoints in Group: 3,578,040 Missile Launcher Operation level4Cruise Missile Specialization level5Cruise Missiles level2Defender Missiles level2FoF Missiles level4Guided Missile Precision level2Heavy Assault Missiles level5Heavy Missiles level3Missile Bombardment level5Missile Launcher Operation level3Missile Projection level5Rapid Launch level2Rockets level4Standard Missiles level4Target Navigation Prediction level4Torpedo Specialization level5Torpedoes level4Warhead Upgrades Total Skillpoints in Group: 5,273,245 Navigation level3Acceleration Control level4Afterburner level5Evasive Maneuvering level4Fuel Conservation level4High Speed Maneuvering level4Jump Drive Operation level5Navigation level5Warp Drive Operation Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,645,508 Science level5Astrogeology level1Astrometric Acquisition level3Astrometrics level3Caldari Starship Engineering level5Cybernetics level2Electromagnetic Physics level2Electronic Engineering level3Hacking level1High Energy Physics level4Hydromagnetic Physics level2Infomorph Psychology level4Laboratory Operation level3Mechanical Engineering level5Metallurgy level3Minmatar Starship Engineering level3Molecular Engineering level1Nanite Engineering level2Nuclear Physics level1Quantum Physics level4Research level2Rocket Science level5Science level1Thermodynamics Total Skillpoints in Group: 3,209,641 Social level4Connections level1Criminal Connections level4Diplomacy level3Fast Talk level4Negotiation level4Social Total Skillpoints in Group: 349,535 Spaceship Command level5Advanced Spaceship Command level5Amarr Battleship level5Amarr Cruiser level5Amarr Frigate level3Amarr Industrial level4Assault Ships level5Battlecruisers level5Caldari Battleship level4Caldari Cruiser level4Caldari Frigate level2Caldari Industrial level3Capital Ships level3Command Ships level1Covert Ops level2Destroyers level3Exhumers level2Gallente Battleship level4Gallente Cruiser level4Gallente Frigate level5Gallente Industrial level4Heavy Assault Ships level2Interceptors level4Logistics level5Mining Barge level3Minmatar Frigate level2Minmatar Industrial level5Spaceship Command Total Skillpoints in Group: 12,945,992 Subsystems level2Amarr Defensive Systems level2Amarr Electronic Systems level2Amarr Engineering Systems level2Amarr Offensive Systems level2Amarr Propulsion Systems level2Caldari Defensive Systems level2Caldari Electronic Systems level2Caldari Engineering Systems level2Caldari Offensive Systems level2Caldari Propulsion Systems Total Skillpoints in Group: 14,150 Trade level1Marketing level1Retail level2Trade Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,665 Total Skillpoints: 58,588,476 Total Number of Skills: 232 Skills at Level 1: 17 Skills at Level 2: 44 Skills at Level 3: 36 Skills at Level 4: 47 Skills at Level 5: 77 Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 2000000000 How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information CNR full CN fit Total ISK 150000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 45000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: easily over 1billion isk in modules and over 1billion isk in ships (includes chimera carrier) Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 1000000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Caldari Alternate Character Skill Points: 1000000 Additional Information highly skilled player w/ multiple lv 5 battleship skills Total ISK 600000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 14293575 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Main Character: Mendark Yggur Male Caldari Civire Role: Miner/Mission Runner with lvl 4 Agents for caldari and fitted Raven capable of running missions, capable miner able to fly a hulk, positive secruity status Balance as of 23/07/09 : 11,241,658.74isk Attributes Charisma: 7.56 Intelligence:21.60 Perception: 21.60 Memory: 21.60 WillPower: 20.52 111 Known Skills 18 at level 5 Skills; Drones, 9 of 18 skills 618,275 points Combat Drone operation III Drone Durabilty III Drone Interfacing III Drone Navigation IV Drone Sharpshooting IV Drones V Heavy Drone Operation III Mining Drone Operation IV Scout Drone Operation IV Electronics, 8 of 21 Skills, 997,020 points Electronic Warfare III Electronics V Electronics Upgrades V Long Range targeting IV Propulsion Jamming III Signature Analysis IV Survey III Targeting IV Engineering 10 og 19 Skills, 1,932,663 Points Energy Grid Upgrades IV Energy Management IV Energy Systems Operations V Engineering IV Shield Compensations III Shield Emissions Systems IV Shield Management V Shield Operation V Shield Upgrades IV Tactical Shield Manipulation IV Gunnery, 10 of 40 skills, 1,382,134 points Controlled Bursts III Gunnery V Motion Prediction IV Rapid Firing IV Sharpshooter III Small Energy Turret IV (currently being trained to V) Small Hybrid Turret V Small Projectile Turret III Trajectory Analysis III Weapon Upgrades V Industry, 13 of 32 skills, 1,188,785 Points Industry V Kernite Processing III Mass Production III mining V Mining Upgrades III Omber Processing III PLagioclase Processing IV Production Efficiency III Pyroxeres Processing IV refining Efficiency IV Refining V Scordite Processing IV Veldspar Processing IV Learning 9 of 11 skills, 769,335 points Analytical mind IV Clarity IV Eidetic Memory IV Focus IV Instant Recall IV Iron Will IV Learning IV Logic IV Spatial Awareness IV Mechanic of 32 skills, 147,260 Points Hull Upgrades III Jury Rigging III Mechanic IV Repair Systems IV Salvaging III Shield Rigging I Missile Launcher operations 11 of 23 Skills 2,744,705 Points Cruise Missiles IV Defender Missiles III Heavy Missiles III Missile Bombardment V Missle Launcher Operations V Missile Projection III Rapid Launch IV Standard Missiles III Target Navigation Prediction IV Torpedoes III Warhead Upgrades IV Navigation, 5 of 10 skills, 687,765 Points Afterburner IV Evasive Maneuvering V High Speed Maneuvering III Navigation IV Warpdrive Operation IV Science 4 of 56 skills, 949,270 Points Astrogeology V Cybernetics IV Infomorph Psychology I Science IV Social 4 of 14 skills, 56,000 Points connections III Diplomacy III Negotiation III Social III Spaceship Command 14 of 59 skills, 2,667,211 points Amarr Cruiser IV Amarr Frigat IV Battlecruisers II Caldari attleship III Caldari Cruiser IV Caldaru Frigate V Caldari Industial III Destroyers I Exhumers III Gelente Frigate IV Gallente Industrial III Interceptors II Mining Barge V Spaceship command IV Trade 8 of 13 Skills 152,115 Points Accounting III Broker Realtions II Contracting III Daytrading III Marketing III Procurement III Retail III Trade IV Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Fitted Raven Capable of running lvl 4 missions Fitted Covetor various other ships Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 1000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Caldari Alternate Character Skill Points: 4127113 Additional Information Total ISK 11247658 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 16473428 Main Characters Attributes: Yes Charisma: 18 Intelligence: 19 Memory: 19 Perception: 25 Willpower: 26 Main Characters Group: Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 110 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Kash Nova Attributes Intelligence: 18.70 Perception: 25.30 Charisma: 17.60 Willpower: 26.40 Memory: 18.70 Corporation Management Anchoring Corporation Management Total Skillpoints in Group: 137,180 Drones Amarr Drone Specialization Caldari Drone Specialization Drone Durability Drone Interfacing Drone Navigation Drones Gallente Drone Specialization Mining Drone Operation Minmatar Drone Specialization Scout Drone Operation Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,363,818 Electronics Cloaking Electronic Warfare Electronics Electronics Upgrades Long Range Targeting Signature Analysis Survey Targeting Total Skillpoints in Group: 340,413 Engineering Energy Emission Systems Energy Grid Upgrades Energy Management Energy Pulse Weapons Energy Systems Operation Engineering Shield Compensation Shield Emission Systems Shield Management Shield Operation Shield Upgrades Tactical Shield Manipulation Total Skillpoints in Group: 891,520 Gunnery Gunnery Small Hybrid Turret Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,665 Industry Arkonor Processing Bistot Processing Crokite Processing Dark Ochre Processing Gneiss Processing Hedbergite Processing Hemorphite Processing Ice Harvestin Ice Processing Industry Jaspet Processing Kernite Processing Mass Production Mining Mining Upgrades Omber Processing Plagioclase Processing Production Efficiency Pyroxeres Processing Refinery Efficiency Refining Scordite Processing Spodumain Processing Veldspar Processing Total Skillpoints in Group: 3,346,018 Leadership Leadership Mining Director Mining Foreman Total Skillpoints in Group: 521,250 Learning Analytical Mind Clarity Eidetic Memory Empathy Focus Instant Recall Iron Will Learning Logic Presence Spatial Awareness Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,234,526 Mechanic Armor Rigging Astronautics Rigging Hull Upgrades Jury Rigging Mechanic Salvaging Total Skillpoints in Group: 171,749 Missile Launcher Operation Heavy Assault Missiles Heavy Missiles Missile Bombardment Missile Launcher Operation Rapid Launch Standard Missiles Target Navigation Prediction Total Skillpoints in Group: 338,943 Navigation Afterburner Evasive Maneuvering Navigation Warp Drive Operation Total Skillpoints in Group: 312,084 Science Astrogeology Cybernetics Hydromagnetic Physics Laboratory Operation Metallurgy Science Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,162,040 Social Social Total Skillpoints in Group: 4,264 Spaceship Command Battlecruisers Caldari Cruiser Caldari Frigate Caldari Industrial Destroyers Exhumers Industrial Command Ships Mining Barge Minmatar Cruiser Minmatar Frigate Minmatar Industrial Spaceship Command Total Skillpoints in Group: 5,646,543 Trade Trade Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,415 Total Skillpoints: 16,473,428 Total Number of Skills: 110 Skills at Level 1: 8 Skills at Level 2: 14 Skills at Level 3: 39 Skills at Level 4: 22 Skills at Level 5: 26 Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information Total ISK 2000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 35000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: unused for a few years has a couple BS, some t2 ships & modules ammo etc (not sure exactly what but prob 500m - 1b in assets total) Mostly used as a combat alt so is highly specialised in frigate/ cruiser warfare, although could quickly be in a dread/carrier Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 450000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Caldari Alternate Character Skill Points: Alternate Character Race: Gallente Alternate Character Skill Points: Additional Information Total ISK Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 4700000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: pvp, no implants Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: 2 Geddons List Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 100000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Amarr Alternate Character Skill Points: 2000000 Additional Information Total ISK 40000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 51200000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 15000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Caldari Alternate Character Skill Points: 1000000 Additional Information Total ISK 7300000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 36657985 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: mainly combat based, leadership, drones and some science Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Components, Ships (some faction ships), fittings, VAST ammounts of ammo, many tech 2 items, ships and fittings. Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 500000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 252900822 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 62649564 Main Characters Attributes: Charisma: 1980 Intelligence: 2530 Memory: 2420 Perception: 2420 Willpower: 1980 Main Characters Group: Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 168 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Caldari BS 5 carrier and dread ready but minuse the carrier and dread skill book Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many additional characters are on your account?: Alternative Characters Race: Caldari Alternative Characters Skill Points: 200000 Alternative Characters Attributes: List Skills, Specs, and Implants: cyno toon Additional Information Total ISK Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 90000000 Main Characters Attributes: Yes Charisma: 22 Intelligence: 22 Memory: 22 Perception: 22 Willpower: 22 Main Characters Group: Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: No Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information Total ISK 6000000000