Selling Selling Selling: Battlerite boosting!

Discussion in 'Battlerite Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dusank88, 1/23/17.

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  1. dusank88

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    We are a group of high level players, currently in GRANDCHAMPION division.

    We offer FAST and RELIABLE boosting, regardless of what server you are on.

    BOOSTING is available from BRONZE, all the way to GRANDCHAMPION division.


    - BRONZE: 5€
    - SILVER: 6€
    - GOLD: 8€
    - PLATINUM: 12€
    - DIAMOND: 18€
    - CHAMPION: 25€+ (depending on division)

    We offer # for anyone wanting 5 division boost, or more.

    For any info or inquiries feel free to send us a message.

    MAIL: [email protected] or SKYPE: gitgudboost

    Accepting payments via paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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