Important: Read ALL information below THIS BOT REQUIRES CETERA This bot will complete every part of the quest "Void HighLord Challenge", required to obtain the Void HighLord class. PREREQUISITES: 3+ Million gold Nation Round 4 Medal (obtained in /join shadowblast, required to get the Emblems of Nulgath) Ceremonial Void Night Sword Pet OR already having Unidentified 13 Rank 3+ Spellcrafting In order to complete the quest, you must log out then back in. I don't know why this happens, but when using packets to buy items the player inventory does not update, so you have to log out then in again to force an update. If you don't have the Ceremonial Void Knight Sword pet, I suggest manually removing the lines involving its quest from the bot. These lines simply serve as a method for obtaining unidentified 13, so after removing these lines you will need to obtain unidentified 13 some other way to complete the quest. The bot has "Resume bot on login" turned on by default, but you can turn this off yourself if you want. I suggest keeping it on in conjunction with Cetera's "Auto Relogin" feature to make sure that if you disconnect from the game the bot will resume automatically. THIS QUEST CAN ONLY BE COMPLETED ONCE PER DAY! Don't forget to set custom skills for yourself in the bot! I suggest using some sort of farming class but honestly for this bot it isn't that necessary, as there isn't much AOE necessary for the monsters in this quest. Enjoy! Virus Scans: VirusTotal Jotti Screenshots: Downloadable Files Void HighLord [Download and Thanks] (2.1 KB)