Selling 300 Exalted worth account

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Guts, 11/10/13.

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  1. Guts

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    It's Guts from France. Ex professional Counter Strike player and nowadays a well known player on Guild Wars 2. I played a lot of Path Of Exile because i was a former Diablo 2 & Diablo 3 player. I'm playing since the beta but I'm done with PoE i don't have time anymore, so i'm selling everything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

    All my characters are in Softcore, 2 of them are from Anarchy League which is now Softcore. There is on my account these characters :

    - LvL 85 Witch

    - LvL 83 Ranger

    - LvL 64 Duelist

    - LvL 33 Witch

    My main witch was my "MFer" character with a lot of IIQ/IIR stuff. I was running with around 130IIQ/380IIR which is A LOT and allow you to drop TONS of stuff while you're farming, it's completely amazing. The crazy thing is that my gear allowed me to play the low life sporker IIR/IIQ build which allowed me to do CRAZY DPS (~1500DPS Spark) and with a lot of survavibility (enough to clean level 77 maps). My stuff was a 6L Shavronne, Perfect Aurseize, Perfect Perandus Blazon with a 100% spell damage / 60% critical / 20 mana wand. I was using also technical stuff like Springleaf, Wondertrap, and Malachai for this build. There is also a Heartbreaker (culling strike spells) to play with a group and have the last hit to apply your IIR/IIQ. Ring, amulet, helm used was kick-love you IIR/IIQ with resist/energy shield/mana/etc which worth tons of Exalted nowadays. Of course most of the gems are level 20 with 20% quality or 20% quality level 19. More informations on screenshot.

    My second main was my ranger. It was my first character. I was using it with a 5L Lioneye's Glare which is one of the best bow on this game. I was playing a Lighting Arrow build with LMP, which allow me to clean map pretty fast and efficient. My armor was a 5L with 1500 Evasion / 80+ life / dual resist. For the gloves, you can use the Perfect Maligaros or the yellow with attack speed / life / resist. Boots, belt, ring, amulet & helm used was worthing tons of Exalted also. The magic thing is that, you can switch your stuff on this account as you wish because i have TONS of crazy belt/ring/amulet.

    My third character was a duelist, i was going to use it with Flicker Strike / Multristrike build, that's why you can find on this account 2 Flicker Strike 20% (level 16 i think) and Multistrike 20%. He still need to be leveled until level 80 to be very efficient but as far as i remembert he was oneshotting ennemy when i was using him. Still here, you can find TONS of crazy stuff on this account to play with it.

    My last character is a small wizard i didn't finish yet, i was going to play an another build, but i didn't had the time to finish it. It can be still usefull if you want to create an another wizard.

    About the stuff, i've made my calcul and with the stuff you have around 250-300 worth of exalted on this account. When i was playing my main character, i was DROPPING STUFF SO MUCH that i didn't had the time to sell EVERYTHING. I was spending my time to play with some friends. So there are still a LOT OF STUFF to sell to get currency. Actually i have my shop on the forum and a lot of people are asking me to sell them some stuff from my chest, but i don't have time anymore, so when you will have my account you will found a lot of client very easily :

    - Around 40+ Exalted worth of currency ( exalted, chaos, regret, chisel, fusing, scouring, alchemy, etc )

    - There are worth of ~55 EXALTED of gems level 19/20 or quality 20% or level 19/20 quality 20% GEMS on this account.

    - My 6L Shavronne worth ~70 EXALTED.

    - Lots of unique stuff which worth few exalted : 5L Lioneye's Glare ( 6 EX ) // Perfect Maligaros ( 2 EX ) // Heartbreaker ( 3 EX ) // Perfect Aurseize ( 1 EX ) etc...

    - Around 90 maps level 66/67/68/69/70 to help you start with the farming of maps, worth around 5 exalted.

    - A lot of CRAZY IIR/IIQ stuff, you can check the screenshot or my shop to verify. There are around 15 exalted worth of these items. Some of them are using by my wizard. For example the ring with 35 rarity / 9 quantity / 15 all resist / mana is very rare and worth 3-4 exalted if you are willing to sell it.

    - 20+ Exalted Worth of amulet to resell : A LOTS, there are 70 different amulet which cost between 2-3 chaos to 2-3 exalted each.

    - 30+ Exalted worth of ring to resell : A TONS, there are 170 different ring which cost between 1-2 chaos to 2-3 exalted each.

    - 10+ Exalted worth of shield to resell ( one of them cost 5 exalted check screenshot )

    - 5+ Exalted worth of quiver to resell : a lots with elemental damage with weapons, life, attack speed, elemental or physical damage, critical chance/multiplier and/or resist.

    - 10+ Exalted worth of belt to resell : most of them are the researched one -> With double/triple resist and life or energy shield. Some of them are with elemental damage weapon with life and resists.

    - 3-4 Exalted worth of armor to resell : A lots with dual or triple resist and life, with some armor bonus or ES. You can sell them RAW like this, or 5L them and sell them for more profit.

    - 5+ Exalted worth of boots to resell : Most of them are dual/triple resist and life or energy shield, with increased movement speed.

    - 5+ Exalted worth of gloves to resell : A lots of variety, but most of the time, with dual/triple resist and life or energy shield. Or with more offensive traits like attack speed and elemental damage.

    - A lots of items ilvl 77/78/79 which are easy to resell.

    With that, the account is offered with 28 TOTAL TABS, and 24 OF THEM are CUSTOMISABLE (name/color). There is also a Spark Spider Effect Skin on this account.

    All the characters are TOTALLY RESET, so you can spend the passive points yourself and play your FAVORITE BUILD.

    Here some screenshot of my account, there are some sample of the stuff on this account. You can ASK ME for the COMPLETE LIST of my items which can allow you to evaluate this account :

    Some Screenshot Here

    My Skype : Guts_mhz

    Scammers don't waste your time and mine.

    Good luck & Have Fun !
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