spent $1.2k for it, now selling for just half its price of $600. was originally selling for 800$ but the dude backed out for some unknown reasons few days ago. so i lowered price for it to sell faster has pets: all except for CL3, Criarino (54/75) frags, Brutalus, Warelk, Hobgoblin and the three mythicz Loivissa Raph and Freezy.(main pet 3star Sinnor lv80/rank 35 boost) wings: lv40Destiny, lv41Inferno, lv40Demon, lv31Archblade, lv45Immortal plus all honor shop wings have been bought. full r9 equipment with christmas and the newest one Flame Archon costumes. Guild Leader of the Rank1 Guild so u can rename not just ur char but ur own Guild too.80k/100k guild funds for lv7 guild upgrade (purple name guild) totally new to this community forum so pls guide me if i need to upload or include any other infos i missed. unlinked email for this GTArcade account too so you can easily change and link your own mail. im completely noob at this midman system but im totally down for it. this will be a good buy for just only 600$ bc you can spend the rest of your money to get the remaining pets with the Snowman event that just started today. inb4 you can make its BR swell more (y) for fast reply contacts and screenshots for proofs and or questions. add me on: facebook. / Kuro Shii Kik / jokeripper again, asking price is just 600$. so pm pm pm while the snowman event is still up for 3 more days (best event for ur buck imho) and the Server war event is up too. currently at rank5 so high chance for Warmonger Wing. also RFS is simple. its bc of school x.x
You have a middleman buy now link so we can buy now? Create Link Here: Middleman Services | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Guide Here: Middleman: Sellers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
price update. lowered to $500 spend another $500 and up on Snowman event to get more pets (especially the 3 mythic pets that worths $600 iirc) and free wing vouchers from the daily rewards, and it will easily become a 1.5k+ worth account. now rank 3rd on server wars too. buy this account and save hundred of bucks!
SELLING legacy of discord-furious wings "DIAMONDS" SALE! 60% - 70% # FROM ORIGINAL PRICE FIX! REGULAR ORDERS! 25,000 DIAMONDS = 50$ USD 50,000 DIAMONDS = 100$ USD 75,000 DIAMONDS = 150$ USD 100,000 DIAMONDS = 200$ USD 150,000 DIAMONDS = 300$ USD 200,000 DIAMONDS = 400$ USD 250,000 DIAMONDS = 500$ USD 300,000 DIAMONDS = 600$ USD BULKS DIAMONDS ORDERS! 500,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 10K DIAMONDS) = 1,000$ USD 600,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 20K DIAMONDS) = 1,200$ USD 700,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 25K DIAMONDS) = 1,400$ USD 1,000,000 DIAMONDS + (FREE 50K DIAMONDS) = 2,000$ USD PROOFS? SEE THIS PICTURE AS MY OLD CUSTOMERS PURCHASED FROM ME AND MADE THEIR PURCHASES AS A PROOF FOR NEW CUSTOEMERS CONTACT INFORMATION: facebook. :https://www.facebook..com/ryan.christopher.543 gmail:[email protected] yahoo mail: [email protected] LINE: .ryanchan.