Selling LoD Account with more than 14m BR

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Craig55, 1/18/17.

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  1. Craig55

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    Hi guys, i've decided to sell my account, have no time to play anymore.

    So it is a top Bladedancer VIP 10 in EST server, with good reputation in a good top guild.

    Here's the list:
    BR: 14.1 million
    Rank: 30 (Purple Name)
    Level: 87
    VIP: 10 ( 24k diamonds more to get VIP 11)
    VIP 10 priveleges ( daily gift: 1 shadow ticket (worth 300diamonds), 35 blitz tickets, 15 reforge stones and 100k gold)

    4 items are rank 9 (pants, helm, armor,boots)
    4 items are rank 10 ( weapon, pauldrons,ring,necklace)
    I'm about to get the 5th r10 item.
    Refining: 70+
    Augmenting: Weapon 25* , Pauldrons and Necklace are 22* the rest 21*
    Reforging: Weapon, Necklace in attack are 100%, ring 30%.
    Socket: Runes level 6+, attack runes 7+
    Ring: Rank 5, level 31
    Boots: Rank 3, level 15
    Pants: Level 10
    Armor: Level 10

    Artifacts: all unlocked!
    Mythos rank 6
    Winged Horse rank 6
    Amethysia rank 7
    Sacred Flame rank 3
    Draconia rank 1

    Relics: all unlocked!
    Ashen scroll: Level 100, rank 20, 3 purple stats and 1 red(elemental attack)
    Cyan Arclight: Level 100, rank 28, all stats are purple.
    Fissure: Level 100, rank 12, 2 orange stats( ATK and HP)
    Rage's Pinion: Level 70, rank 17, 3 stats purple and 1 orange (FrR)
    Emperor: Level 70, rank 16, all stats purple
    Banshee: Level 91, rank 4, 1 stat orange(FR)

    Costumes: Halloween and Christmas only. (Im about to buy Dark Nemesis)

    Pets: owned ones
    Sinnor: lvl 87, r3, boost r43
    Cinder: lvl 82, r3, boost r34
    Panthora: lvl 16, r3, boost r8
    Haverus: lvl 10, r1, boost r5
    Criarino: all 1
    Xeumach: r3
    Murlor: all 1
    Cl3-Ver1: all 1
    Aeuxal: r3
    Koxahl: r6
    Vaszon: r3
    Feoxur: r5
    Sabelon: r6
    Kinar: r6
    About to get
    Loivissa 74/100

    Pegasus: lvl 40
    Immortal lvl 50
    Abyss lvl 40
    Seraph lvl 50 (almost r4 54/80)
    Demon lvl 40
    Inferno lvl 50, rank 5 (r6 43/140)
    Destiny lvl 40, rank 6
    Lich lvl 40, rank 5
    Boreas lvl 20
    Hemes lvl 20
    Tyrant lvl 40
    Judgment lvl 30
    Skyhunter lvl 40
    Requiem lvl 22
    Strider lvl 20
    Arcania still need 40 frags to get it (40/80)

    Guys here is the most important information about the account, if you have any additional question dont hesitate to contact me via whatsapp (+97455912370)

    The price is 1100$

    I can reduce a bit the price to a real buyer!

    For all the upgrades and vip were spent more than 1300$ ( and just for 1.1k youre getting a well upgraded character ready for fights and fun!)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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