Hello gelaxy i want sell my account in star wars the old republic Eu server TOFN Vanguard 65 lvl Powertech 65 lvl Gunslinger 65 lvl Maraduer 65 lvl Operative 65 lvl jedi Guardian 65 lvl Sniper 65 lvl Sorcer 65 lvl Thexan robes set jedi Shadow 65 lvl Ghostly malgus robes set Sith assasins 65 lvl Marka Regnos's robes set 2m credits Sith Juggernaut 65 lvl Darth Skotians set 1.1m credits Mercenary 65 lvl battlefield comander set Scoundrel 65 lvl Comando 65 lvl Sith assasin 65 lvl Achievements points 11500 Datacrowns Alderaan, Coscant, Dromund Kaas, Corellia 1/5, Hutta, Koriban,Nar Shaddaa,Tatooine,Tython. my skype alexxgame1 the game is very tired Now playing ArcheAge I am ready to consider any amount PLEASE 35$ OMG