Sold [H] Some events [W] Paypal or listed events

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/amoran5156, 1/21/17.

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  1. /u/amoran5156

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    I have for sale/trade the following events:

    • UT Hasty walmart (WINTER2013) garchomp self-obtained with wc proof and proof of code/case -offer, I value this highly
    • Adamant JPN Skytree Ray from #/rgq_exsl8971 with video proof -looking for ~$25
    • Language set of OT:Alexander Hoopas (self obtained with A-button proof) -offer
    • PC Gyarados with picture redemption proof, from #/endy1102 -->#/TofuMapo --> me -looking for ~$25-30
    • 2 sets of 7-11 (lugia, latios, pikachu, pancham) pokemon (TID:00711) from #/Expo911 (GER and ITA tags), have video proof for both of them. Looking to sell/trade these as sets. -Offer

    I'd be interested in the following events as well as paypal:

    • Rare jirachi/darkrai events
    • JPN,ENG, or KOR tagged 7-11 set (TID: 00711)
    • PC Redistribution 7-11 set (Preferred JPN, ENG, KOR tags)
    • Kotone's (PC Shiny) T-Tar (Preferred JPN, ENG, KOR tags)
    • other event offers
    • I'm not interested in any 20th anniversary event pokemon, common codes or pokemon without proof unless they're from a trusted source.
    • I'm very interested in obtaining a Taiwanese wonderland (OT:Wonderland) Darkrai if anyone has one for trade, I can offer other things for this as well

    If you have any questions about anything, feel free to let me know and I'll answer the best I can.


    # #/amoran5156
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