Sold [Selling] [GOOGLE PLAY EXPLOIT] Set up your OWN Hearthstone Pack Services! [UNLIMITED][2017]

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vaguegfx, 1/21/17.

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  1. vaguegfx

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    Hello guys! I am selling my method for UNLIMITED hearthstone packs that exploits the google play refund system!

    All you require is a £10 google play gift card, which allows you to purchase up to £110 worth of in app purchases! There is huge profit margins available, and I can talk about this more in depth when I ran my own services.

    The method works on any app purchase with google play and can be used for apps such as Clash Royale and Clash of Clans!

    I have written a short eBook that provides you with a in-depth description and tutorial of how to do the method and a small FAQ question which should answer any difficulties you may come across.

    I am looking to sell a couple of copies of the method, but am not taking any offers below $100! With this you will get a copy of the eBook, a copy of my thread psd so you can change it to your own details/pricing! A FREE £10 GOOGLE PLAY GIFTCARD CODE to start you off and my personal support for 2 weeks after your purchase.

    This method is nothing to do with Amazon Coins and is completely new!

    Contact me on Skype if you'd like to know more: vaguegfx

    I am more than happy to show you screenshots of previous customers and their packs as well as link you to my sales threads on multiple forums!
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