Sold Trading Orgin account for sale for €80, (bf1, bf4, bf3, bf hardline)

Discussion in 'Origin Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by melkerornberg, 1/21/17.

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  1. melkerornberg

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    Dear buyers, my name is Melker Örnberg and i'm 19 years old and i am from Sweden. I am looking to trade my Origin Account that has Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield Hardline.
    All these games are worth around €110 together but im selling the account for €80 only.
    I'm selling the account cheaper since i never play these games anyway.

    I'm TRADING this account for CS:GO skins at the value at €80 or a CS:GO Knife worth around €70-80. (euros)

    You will get all details for the account and you will be able to change the account details such as email and password.

    I have bought these games so they are NOT Trials or Betas. They will remain in your game library and will always be.
    I bought them on the Origin Client.

    Contact me through my email : [email protected] if your interested in buying this.

    Kind regards from Melker Örnberg.
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