Sold Selling Templar (AD) - 314 CP+29 days ESO Plus+2.725 Crowns

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Noxxis, 1/20/17.

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  1. Noxxis

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    29 Days left on Sub as of 1/20/2017
    Account: Any Race/Any Alliance

    Hello! Looking to sell a NA PC ESO account. The main on the account is a Breton Templar. There are a few alts on the account but nothing over 26. There are both AD and DC characters but the main (and only 50 is AD). There's gear for all types of builds for PVE/PVP. ALL GEAR IS PURPLE UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. I have a crafting bag filled with random crafting materials (not a lot of upgrade items... but there are some yellows), a bunch of pots for healing, some food, etc. All of the info whats on the main is below including gear (traits and type), research, skill level, CP, crown purchases. I have 29 days left on my ESO plus (I'd just buy cheap time cards online for the crowns and the time) so I didn't buy the DLC. Taking offers. No price set in stone.

    Payment via paypal
    I am the original owner
    No issue with the account (no one has ever tried to steal it)

    Hit me up on skype: Oriaxaurusrex

    I have the gear for the following builds:
    [This was the PVP Templar cancer build when I last played]
    Vanadium (You would need a Light Divines Malubeth Helm but I have a Heavy Divines for the time being): Click Here

    Healer: I have an entire set of Infallible Aether Divines plus a Resto Staff. A few pieces (6) of Worm gear that's divines or arcane jewelry. My Spell Power Cure set is... lacking in the trait department minus my divines shoes. However there are 6 pieces available and it definitely gets the job done if you want to run IA and SPC.
    DPS: You'd have to run Magicka if you wanted something straight out the gate but there's, of course, the IA set, willpower jewelry, a Twice-Born Star set minus shoulders, and the Grothdarr's shoulders (they're heavy but at least they're divines). There are a few other notable pieces but ALL of the gear on the main character is listed below with the type and the trait.

    Main (Aldmeri Dominion - Breton Female):

    314 CP
    Gold: 228,563
    Inventory Space: 101

    Riding Skill:
    Speed: 42%
    Inventory: 1

    All crafts to 50

    8/9: Bow/Inferno/Resto
    6/9: Shield

    Light Armor
    8/9: Body
    7/9: Feet, Hands, Belt, Shoulders, Head, Pants

    Class: All 50
    Sword/Shield: 48
    Dual Wield: 50
    Destro Staff: 50
    Resto Staff: 50
    All Armor: 50
    Fighters: 10
    Mages: 10
    Undaunted: 9
    (Vampire was maxed before I cured it)

    Caltrops Unlocked
    Guard Unlocked

    Crown Store:

    Crowns: 2,725

    Hair Change Ability

    Dragonfly Wing Lashes (Crown Store)

    Costumes: 6 (Black Marsh Keeper, Corseted Riding Outfit, Grant-Climber’s Active Wear, Tree-Minder, Valenwood Spinner, Whisperweft Gala Wear)

    Mounts: Hist Guar, Senche-Lioness

    Pets: Infernal Sep Adder, Striped Senche-Panther


    Shoulders: Divines

    Infallible Aether
    Legs: Divines
    Gloves: Divines
    Hat: Divines
    Shoes: Divines
    Shoulders: Divines
    Belt: Divines
    Necklace: Arcane
    Ring x 2: Arcane
    Resto Staff: Precise

    Shoulders: Divines
    Gloves: Divines
    Necklace: Arcane
    Rings x2: Arcane
    Head: Divines

    Spell Power Cure:
    Belt: Sturdy/Training
    Hat: Sturdy/Well-fitted/Training
    Body: Sturdy
    Shoes: Divines/Training
    Legs: Well-Fitted
    Arms: Well-Fitted

    Windowmaker Ring: Robust

    Ring: x2 Arcane/x1 Healthy
    Necklace: Arcane

    Sword: x2 Sharpened/ x1 Defending
    Shield: Impenetrable
    Ring: x2 Arcane
    Necklace: Arcane
    Inferno Staff: Precise

    Shoes: Impenetrable
    Legs: Impenetrable
    Belt: Impenetrable
    Hands: Impenetrable
    Body: Impenetrable

    Hat: Divines
    Goves: Divines

    Combat Physician
    Shoulders: Divines

    Crafted Gear

    Twice-Born Star (Dro-m’athra - Light):
    Shoes: Divines
    Belt: Divines
    Body (Yellow): Divines
    Gloves: Divines
    Legs Divines

    Seducer (All Light):
    Shoes: Training
    Shirt: Training
    Gloves: Training
    Pants: Training

    Sword: x2 Sharpened
    Shield: Divines
    Rest: Powered
    Inferno: Precise
    Inferno: Sharpened x2
    Head: Divines (Heavy/Medium/Light)
    Shoulders: Divines (Medium)

    Sword: x3 Training
    Shield: Training
    Inferno: Training
    Hat: Training
    Shoulders: Training

    Monster Pieces:

    Shoulders: Heavy - Divines

    Shoulders: Medium - Divines

    Shoulders: Light - Divines

    Molag Kena’s
    Shoulders: Heavy – Divines/Light - Divines

    Shoulders: Medium - Divines

    Engine Guardian:
    Helm: Divines/Reinforced
    Shoulders: Divines/Training

    Maw of the Infernal:
    Head: Medium – Sturdy /Light – Divines

    Head: Heavy – Reinforced/Heavy – Divines
    Shoulders: Light – Impenetrable

    Lord Warden Dusk:
    Head: Light – Reinforced

    Shoulders: Heavy – Divines
    Head: Light – Well-fitted

    Blood Spawn:
    Head: Medium – Divines
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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