Trade Buy Accounts Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XI Buy Accounts, Final Fantasy XI Accounts

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFXI, 10/24/13.

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  1. FFXI

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Red Mage Hume Male on Garuda

    Account Information
    Rank: 10
    AF: 6
    Conquest Points: 30000
    Passes and Keys: All
    Missions Completed: ZM, CoP
    Crystals: All
    Summons: Garuda, Titan, Shiva, Leviathan, Ramuh
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great.
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Your Characters Server: Garuda
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Warrior
    Main Hand: Byakko's Axe
    Secondary Hand: Mythril Grip +1
    Head: walahra turban
    Neck: chivalrous chain
    Ear 1: merman's earring
    Ear 2: brutal earring
    Chest: hauberk +1
    Hands: dusk gloves
    Finger 1: ecphoria ring
    Finger 2: woodsmen ring
    Back: amemet mantle +1
    Waist: swift belt
    L: byakko's haidate
    Feet: aurum sabatons
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: fortitude axe, maneater, joyeuse, flame ring, optical hat, af feet, bomb core, suppanomimi
    Your Characters Server: Garuda
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Red Mage
    Main Hand: pluto's staff
    Secondary Hand: raptor leather strap +1
    Head: warlock's chapeau +1
    Neck: enfeebling torque
    Ear 1: quantz's earring
    Ear 2: loquacious earring
    Chest: warlock's tabard
    Hands: devotee's mitts +1
    Finger 1: tamas ring
    Finger 2: aqua ring
    Back: altruistic cape
    Waist: penitent's rope
    L: mahatma slops
    Feet: goliard clogs
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: terra's staff, aquilo's staff, auster's staff, apollo's staff, avocat's pigaches, zenith mitts, nashira turban, snow ring, prism cape, genbu's sheild, duelist's boots, duelist's gloves, ether ring, magnetic earring
    Your Characters Server: Garuda
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Beastmaster
    Main Hand: maneater
    Secondary Hand: temperance axe
    Head: panther mask +1
    Neck: temperance torque
    Ear 1: brutal earring
    Ear 2: suppanomimi
    Chest: gaudy harness
    Hands: trainer's gloves
    Finger 1: angel ring
    Finger 2: angel ring
    Back: amemet mantle +1
    Waist: corsette +1
    L: beast trousers +1
    Feet: volunteer's nails
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: tp gear like war, apollo's staff, monster jackcoat, all af
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: No
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 44
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 31
    Characters Subjob: Paladin
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version
    World Transferable: No - Not Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Red Mage Hume Male on Garuda

    Account Information
    Rank: 8
    AF: 6
    Conquest Points: 40,000
    Passes and Keys: yes for all expansions
    Missions Completed: lots, like all of COP and rise of zilart and some other stuff
    Crystals: all
    Summons: all summons
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 3 - Basic Full Gear - Average
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Clothcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 99
    Tradeskill: Leathcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Smithing
    Tradeskill Level: 55
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Blue Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Corsair
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 44
    Characters Subjob: Summoner
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Dancer
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PS2 - Any Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information
    If my asking price is too high make me a realistic offer, BUT i already can get 170 dollars for my currency so do take me seriously. I will include all the unique items on here. Highly saught after RIDILL, Mirage Jubbah, Aurum Sabatons, Mirage Keffiyeh,Comm. Tricornei, Byakko's Haidate, Custom M Boots, Pixie Earring, Ninja Chainmail, Optical Hat, Zenith Mitts, Crimson Fng. Gnt., Ninja Kyahan, Rapparee Harness, Wlk. Tabard +1, Magus Jubbah, Denali Jacket, Goliard Saio, Jaeger Ring, Moldavite Earring, Suppanomimi, Loquac. Earring, Brutal Earring, Diabolos's Earring, Homam Manopolas, Askar Manopolas, Sorcerer's Petas., Duelist's Tabard, Koga Tekko, Voyager Sallet, Wlk. Chapeau +1, Walahra Turban, Swift Belt, Rajas Ring, Bst. Trousers +1, Homam Cosciales, Nashira Seraweels, Denali Kecks, Goliard Trews, Homam Gambieras, Volunteer's Nails, Denali Gamashes, Goliard Clogs, Olduum Ring, Omega Ring, Magnetic Earring, Askar Zucchetto, Denali Bonnet, Goliard Chapeau, Enkidu's Subligar, Ridill, Coffinmaker, Joyeuse, Wightslayer, Beast Slayer, Koggelmander, Bomb Core, Phtm. Tathlum, Ungur Boomerang, Byakko's Axe, Ermine's Tail

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Red Mage Hume Male on Garuda

    Account Information
    Rank: 10
    AF: 2
    Conquest Points: 14000
    Passes and Keys:
    Missions Completed: RoZ, CoP, Bastok
    Crystals: Dem, Holla, Mea, Yhoat, Vahzl
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 2 - Partially Geared - Some Gear
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: No
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
    Subjob Level: 44
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 31
    Characters Subjob: Paladin
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information
    96 merits, many rare/ex items including byakko's haidate, joyeuse, magnetic, moldative, suppanomimi, brutal, quantz's and loqaucious earrings, tamas ring, temperance axe, fortitude axe, temperance torque, zenith mitts. 55000 ISP points
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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