Final Fantasy XI Buy Accounts, Final Fantasy XI Buying Selling, Final Fantasy XI Account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFXI, 10/24/13.

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  1. FFXI

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Red Mage Hume Male on Phoenix

    Account Information
    Rank: 10
    AF: 5
    Conquest Points: 54649
    Passes and Keys: ALL
    Missions Completed: Zilart, ToAU, CoP, Windurst, Bastok, ACP
    Crystals: ALL
    Summons: ALL
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 4 - Good Full Gear - Average to Good
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Red Mage
    Main Hand: Joyeuse / Elemental Staves
    Secondary Hand: Genbu's Shield / Elemental Grips
    Head: Goliard Chapeau / Warlock's Chapeau
    Neck: Enfeebling Torque / Holy Phial
    Ear 1: Loquac. Earring
    Ear 2: Antivenom Earring
    Chest: Goliard Saio / Errant Houpelande / Warlock's Tabard
    Hands: Golarid Cuffs
    Finger 1: Hale Ring
    Finger 2: Balrahn's Ring
    Back: Rainbow Cape
    Waist: Ocean Rope
    L: Duelist's Tights
    Feet: Goliard Clogs
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Too many Dynamis AFs, and rare equips to list Some notables are: Swift Belt Soboro Sukehiro Hagun Trotter Boots All Nyzul armor equips except Goliard Trews
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Alchemy
    Tradeskill Level: 58
    Tradeskill: Clothcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 52
    Tradeskill: Leathcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 52
    Tradeskill: Cooking
    Tradeskill Level: 81
    Tradeskill: Fishing
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Woodworking
    Tradeskill Level: 76
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 40
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 42
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 50
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 40
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 34
    Characters Subjob: Summoner
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Blue Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Dancer
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Puppetmaster
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 53
    Characters Subjob: Dragoon
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information
    149340 Imperial Seal, 359159 Allied Notes, 800 Beast Seals, 700 Kindred Seals

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 70 Red Mage Elvaan Female on Phoenix

    Account Information
    Rank: 5
    AF: 6
    Conquest Points:
    Passes and Keys: All
    Missions Completed:
    Crystals: All
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 3 - Basic Full Gear - Average
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    All Subjobs Unlocked?:
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Red Mage Hume Male on Phoenix

    Account Information
    Rank: 6
    AF: 6
    Conquest Points: 10037
    Passes and Keys: Airship pass, Airship pass for Kazham, Boarding permit, Delkfutt key, Quicksand coffer key, Ru'Aun coffer key
    Missions Completed: San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 6, CoP 5-3, ToAU 42, RoZ 16
    Crystals: All.
    Summons: All avatars and all Spirits
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great.
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Red Mage
    Main Hand: Guespiere sword
    Secondary Hand: Genbu's shield
    Head: Warlock's chapeau
    Neck: Enfeebling torque
    Ear 1: Astral earring
    Ear 2: Insomnia earring
    Chest: Duelist's tabard
    Hands: Warlock's gloves
    Finger 1: Serket ring
    Finger 2: Diamond ring
    Back: Prism cape
    Waist: Penitent's rope
    L: Jet seraweels
    Feet: Duelist's boots
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: All the elemental staves, Errant Houppelande, Errant cuffs, Errant pigaches
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Black Mage
    Main Hand: Dark staff
    Secondary Hand: Staff strap
    Head: Wizard's petasos
    Neck: Uggalepih pendant
    Ear 1: Moldavite earring
    Ear 2: Phantom earring
    Chest: Igqira weskit
    Hands: Igqira manillas
    Finger 1: Snow ring
    Finger 2: Diamond ring
    Back: Prism cape
    Waist: Penitent's rope
    L: Jet seraweels
    Feet: Wizard's sabots
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: All the elemental staves, Ixion cape, Demon's cloak, Ixion cloak, Igqita tiara, Phantom tathlum, Wizard's tonban
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Dark Knight
    Main Hand: Havoc
    Secondary Hand: Mythril grip +1
    Head: Wyvern helm
    Neck: Chivalrous chain
    Ear 1: Assault earring
    Ear 2: Fowling earring
    Chest: Hauberk
    Hands: Thick mufflers
    Finger 1: Flame ring
    Finger 2: Ecphoria ring
    Back: Amemet mantle +1
    Waist: Potent belt
    L: Thick breeches
    Feet: Thick sollerets
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Bomb core, Vampire cloak, Balmung
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 62
    Your Characters Job: Summoner
    Main Hand: Light staff
    Secondary Hand: Bugard leather strap +1
    Head: Austere hat
    Neck: Beak necklace
    Ear 1: Insomnia earring
    Ear 2: Astral earring
    Chest: Austere rope
    Hands: Carbuncle mitts
    Finger 1: Ether ring
    Finger 2: Serket ring
    Back: Intensifying cape
    Waist: Powerful rope
    L: Evoker's spat
    Feet: Austere sabots
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: All the elemental staves, Austere cuffs
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 66
    Your Characters Job: Paladin
    Main Hand: Wing sword
    Secondary Hand: Iron Ram shield
    Head: Gallant coronet
    Neck: Parade gorget
    Ear 1: Knightly earring
    Ear 2: Eris' earring
    Chest: Gallant surcoat
    Hands: Gallant Gauntlets
    Finger 1: Hercules' ring
    Finger 2: Unyielding ring
    Back: Knightly mantle
    Waist: Warwolf belt
    L: Gallant breeches
    Feet: Gallant leggings
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Bibiki seashell, Lamia mantle
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 65
    Your Characters Job: Ninja
    Main Hand: Sai
    Secondary Hand: Sai
    Head: Wivre mask
    Neck: Evasion torque
    Ear 1: Velocity earring
    Ear 2: Eris' earring
    Chest: Scorpion harness
    Hands: Arhat's tekko
    Finger 1: Unyielding ring
    Finger 2: Garrulous ring
    Back: Bat cape
    Waist: Swift belt
    L: Arhat's hakama
    Feet: Arhat's suneate
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
    Your Characters Server: Phoenix
    Your Characters Level: 60
    Your Characters Job: White Mage
    Main Hand: Light staff
    Secondary Hand: Staff strap
    Head: Healer's cap
    Neck: Beak necklace
    Ear 1: Astral earring
    Ear 2: Antivenom earring
    Chest: Healer's briault
    Hands: Healer's mitts
    Finger 1: Serket earring
    Finger 2: Ether earring
    Back: Intensifying cape
    Waist: Powerful rope
    L: Healer's pantaloons
    Feet: Healer's duckbills
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: All the elemental staves.
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: No
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 66
    Characters Subjob: Paladin
    Subjob Level: 65
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 62
    Characters Subjob: Summoner
    Subjob Level: 60
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Dancer
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: XBOX 360 - Any Version
    World Transferable:
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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