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Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFXI, 10/24/13.

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  1. FFXI

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 99 Beastmaster Hume Male on Ragnarok

    Account Information
    Main Characters Rank: 10
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 49
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Subjob Level: 48
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Summoner
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Corsair
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Dragoon
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Blue Mage
    Subjob Level: 94
    Characters Subjob: Dancer
    Subjob Level: 99
    Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
    Total Conquest Points: 35754
    Total Merits: 14
    All Assets (Describe): ..
    All Merits (Describe): Warrior is max merited, Thief is max merited, Bst is max merited, Rng is max merited, Sam is max merited, Smn is max merited, Blu is 10/10 7/10, Cor is max merited, Dnc is max merited. I have 13 points in health, I have 10 points in strength, 8 points in Smn Magic and 8 in Blue Magic. In others I have 5 in Enmity Increase and 5 in Crit hit rate.
    All Combat Skills (Describe): H2H-205, Sword 273, Axe 415, 241, Great Katana 404, Staff 240, Marksmanship 390, Evasion 404, Parrying 243, Dagger 405, GS 218, GA 391, Polearm 217, Club 302, Archery 389, Throwing 3, Shield 50,
    All Magic Skills (Describe): Smn Skill 315
    All Passes/Keys (Describe): I have all outpost warps, The KI to open 3 Mage door only
    All Missions Completed (Describe): Rank 10 Basty and windy with rank 9 for sandy
    All Crystals (Describe): I have all tele crystals
    All Summons (Describe): I have all avatars except alex and odin
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great.
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 99
    Your Characters Job: Warrior
    Main Hand: Widowmaker
    Secondary Hand: Pole Grip
    Head: Ravager's Mask +2
    Neck: Twilight Torque
    Ear 1: Ravager's Earring
    Ear 2: Centaurus Earring
    Chest: Ravager's Lorica +2
    Hands: Ravager's Mufflers +2
    Finger 1: Rajas Ring
    Finger 2:
    Back: Atheling Mantle
    Waist: Goading Belt
    L: Ravager's Cuisses +2
    Feet: Ravager's Calligae +2
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Seiryu's Sword, Krimesser, Double Axe, Bounty Sickle, Qiunt Spear, Zelus Tiara
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 99
    Your Characters Job: Beastmaster
    Main Hand: Guichard's Axe +3
    Secondary Hand: Guichard's Axe +3
    Head: Anwig Salade
    Neck: Ferine Necklace
    Ear 1: Suppanomimi
    Ear 2: Brutal Earring
    Chest: Mirke Wardecors
    Hands: Ferine Manoplas +2
    Finger 1: Rajas Ring
    Finger 2: Epona's Ring
    Back: Atheling Mantle
    Waist: Twilight Belt
    L: Ferine Quijotes +2
    Feet: Ferine Ocreae +1
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Khimaira Bonnet, Ferine Gausape +1, Monster Gloves, Ogre Gloves, Monster Gaiters, Shepard's Chain,
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 99
    Your Characters Job: Ranger
    Main Hand: Vulcan's Staff
    Secondary Hand: Brave Grip
    Head: Sylvan Gapette +1
    Neck: Sylvan Scraf
    Ear 1: Volley Earring
    Ear 2: Brutal Earring
    Chest: Sylvan Caban +2
    Hands: Blood Finger Gauntlets
    Finger 1: Arewe Ring +1
    Finger 2: Bellona's Ring
    Back: Libeccio Mantle
    Waist: Scout's Belt
    L: Sylvan Bragues +2
    Feet: Sylvan Bottillons +1
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Dynamis Bow, Killer Bow, Phineus Gun, Percept Bow, 6 Iron Bullet Pouches, 11 Dark Admin Bullets
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 99
    Your Characters Job: Summoner
    Main Hand: Fay Crozier -3 perp cost
    Secondary Hand: Staff Strap
    Head: Caller's Horn +2
    Neck: Caller's Pendant
    Ear 1: Caller's Earring
    Ear 2: Bloodgem Earring
    Chest: Caller's Doublet +2
    Hands: Caller's Bracers +2
    Finger 1: Evokers RIng
    Finger 2: Dark Ring
    Back: Intensifying Cape
    Waist: Hierarch
    L: Caller's Spats +2
    Feet: Caller's Pigaches +1
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Carbuncle Mitts, Nashira Gages
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 99
    Your Characters Job: Corsair
    Main Hand: Vulcan's Staff
    Secondary Hand: Brave Grip
    Head: Navarch's Tricorne +1
    Neck: Waylayer's Scarf
    Ear 1:
    Ear 2:
    Chest: Navarch's Frac +1
    Hands: Navarch's Gants +2
    Finger 1: Bellona's Ring
    Finger 2: Arewe Ring +1
    Back: Forban Cape
    L: Navarch's Culottes +2
    Feet: Navarch's Bottes +1
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Phineus Gun, Quicksliver, 11 Trump Card Cases, 4 Antilion Quiver
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 99
    Your Characters Job: Thief
    Main Hand: Kila +2
    Secondary Hand: Kila +2
    Head: Raider's Bonnet +2
    Neck: Torero Torque
    Ear 1: Suppanomimi
    Ear 2: Brutal Earring
    Chest: Raider's Vest +2
    Hands: Raider's Armlets +2
    Finger 1: Rajas Ring
    Finger 2: Epona's Ring
    Back: Atheling Mantle
    Waist: Twilight Belt
    L: Raider's Culottes +1
    Feet: Raider's Poulaines +2
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Sveltesse Gouriz, Boxer's Mantle, Alcide's Harness, Silther Gloves, Assassin's Armlets, Alcide's Subligar, Raider's Earring
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 99
    Your Characters Job: Samurai
    Main Hand: Masamune lvl 85
    Secondary Hand: Brave Grip
    Head: Unkai Kabuto +2
    Neck: Agasaya's Collar
    Ear 1: Unkai Mimikazari
    Ear 2: Volley Earring
    Chest: Unkai Domaru +2
    Hands: Unkai Kote +2
    Finger 1: Tyrannts Ring
    Finger 2: Rajas Ring
    Back: Atheling Mantle
    Waist: Goading Belt
    L: Unkai Haidate +2
    Feet: Unkai Sune-Ate +2
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Soboro Sukehiro
    Your Characters Server: Ragnarok
    Your Characters Level: 94
    Your Characters Job: White Mage
    Main Hand: Kila +2
    Secondary Hand: Kila +2
    Head: Charis Tiara +2
    Neck: Magoraga Beads
    Ear 1: Brutal Earring
    Ear 2: Suppanomimi
    Chest: Charis Casaque +2
    Hands: Charis Bangles +2
    Finger 1: Epona's Ring
    Finger 2: Rajas Ring
    Back: Atheling Mantle
    Waist: Twilight Belt
    L: Charis Tights +2
    Feet: Charis Toeshoes +1
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
    Select the number of craftskills over skill level 10:
    Craftskill: Smithing
    Craftskill Level: 29
    Craftskill: Clothcrafting
    Craftskill Level: 42
    Craftskill: Alchemy
    Craftskill Level: 60
    Craftskill: Woodworking
    Craftskill Level: 60
    Craftskill: Leathcrafting
    Craftskill Level: 30
    Craftskill: Cooking
    Craftskill Level: 100
    Craftskill: Fishing
    Craftskill Level: 63
    Craftskill: Goldsmithing
    Craftskill Level: 60
    Linked To XBox Live: Yes
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:
    Face Types: Default
    Expansions: All expanions and all add-ons

    Additional Information
    I have way more gear then I put and more gil if you sell stuff like Tyrannts ring and other stuff i have you can see my Auction house page at ffxiah/player/Ragnarok/Augustine there you can see more stuff like my titles and missions i have finished. I also have a second account Donpunthistaru that i would like to sell. I inquired about that account a while ago but never followed up on it sorry about that. Please email at your convenience.

    Total Gil

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Beastmaster Hume Male on Ragnarok

    Account Information
    Rank: 8
    AF: 2
    Conquest Points: 120000
    Passes and Keys:
    Missions Completed:
    Crystals: All
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 3 - Basic Full Gear - Average
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Woodworking
    Tradeskill Level: 79
    Tradeskill: Alchemy
    Tradeskill Level: 56
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: No
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 58
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 71
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 32
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 45
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Treasures of Aht Urhgan
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Total Gil

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Beastmaster Hume Male on Ragnarok

    Account Information
    Rank: 8
    AF: 2
    Conquest Points: 120000
    Passes and Keys:
    Missions Completed:
    Crystals: All
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 3 - Basic Full Gear - Average
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Woodworking
    Tradeskill Level: 79
    Tradeskill: Alchemy
    Tradeskill Level: 56
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: No
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 58
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 71
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 32
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 45
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Treasures of Aht Urhgan
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Total Gil
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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