Buy Accounts Dark Age of Camelot, Dark Age of Camelot Sell Buy Accounts, Dark Age of Camelot Account

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

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    [WTB]for plats a ns or ranger

    Account Information
    huhu kaufe nen ns oder ranger für ingame plats sollte so 49+ sein pm me auf uthgard

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS uthgard Hero

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    Account for Sale

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    WTB: YWAIN //Glamorgan Acc...

    Account Information
    .. wie der Titel schon sagt bin ich auf der suche nach einem DAoC Account. Mein besonderes Interesse liegt in Richtung HEIL-Klasse (also Drui/Kleri/Heiler ) für RvR und Pet/Dot Klasse ( also Kabba/Ench/Menta(Schamane/BD ). Die Toons sollten unbekannt sein, RR ist egal. Aber sonst sollte alles fertig sein ( also ML, Temp ) .. an sich einfach mal alles anbiete, bitte per PN. DANKE ------------------- Looking to buy an account with any Healclasstoons ( Drood, Cleric/Healer ) or Pet-Farm / dot Toons ( Menta, Ench, Cabba, BD, Schaman) offer plz PN THX

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT hib 43 hero on uthgard vs Plat

    Account Information
    all is in the title pm me

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT Hib Acc for Alb/Mid Acc

    Account Information
    On the account currently - level 50 Ranger (fuly sced, melee spec, rr4) level 50 mentalist (not sced, lgm alchemist) level 44bard level 45chanter random lowbies. ########################################## I am looking for any albion or midgard account that has a non-stealth level 45+ I would accept a Minstrel though, but no other stealthers. PM me for more info

    Account for Sale

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    Do not trust this man

    Account Information
    blingg8 blingg8 blingg8 blingg8 this guy has tried to steal one of my uthgard accounts (trying to keep his and mine) i suggest all avoid him at all costs. complete scammer and im lucky to still have my account. Refou

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTB daoc alb account or plat

    Account Information
    Looking for leg crafter on alb or plat

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [Release] DAoCBot ( 1 2)

    Account Information
    Right. I am a very lazy person, so leveling up crafting and xp isnt very attractive in my eyes. Hence why i felt the need to write a # to do it for me. Its written in and works with the newest EU english client (which i obviously cannot remember the version number of). It works by reading memory and pushing buttons for you, and is fully customizable through scripts. Everything seems to work for me, so i havent really bothered adding additional features i do not need myself. Ive taken the liberty of making a sampleroutine, which is designed for my ranger. When you click the start button, it will compile the script selected in the options menu, and start running the #. If we look at the setup for the sampleroutine, you'd have to edit the keys it needs to click: Open "SampleRoutine.cs" For abilities, we have: Ability SomeBuffExample = new Ability("BuffExample", 600, "9"); //600sec duration (10minutes) It basically means, Ability(Name, Cooldown(duration for buffs), Key) As we see, this is made for a guy with a bow. There should be nothing wrong with you changing this, in case you want it to craft stuff (should be relatively simple), or your guy relies on something that is not a bow to get the mobs to you. It stand where you left it, try to find some target using the TargetNearestEnemy function in DAoC, and then it'll engage it. To operate the #, all you gotta do, is set stuff up under the options menu, click the attach button and attach it to a daoc process, then click the start button. The # is very new, and not really developed in terms of features, but it gets the job done. And heres the download link: Because my reversing capabilities are questionable at best, I'm looking for someone to help me figure out some offsets, mainly in terms of the objectlist for all dynamic objects (players, npcs, gameobjects etc), and the location of your toon of which i have had no luck finding non dynamic pointers for. I believe they're tied to your own characterobject which is dynamic, and not fixed. Oh yeah, i dont really speak german, so keep it in english... Versions: v003 ***************************************************** -Added alot of foolproofing. -Now taking out the garbage when the # is stopped -Experimental aka. slightly hacky way of allowing keyinput to an unfocused window. Do not screw around too much with the window, otherwise weird things will happen. Will have a look at this later aswell. It should work well for crafting and general botting though. v002 ***************************************************** -Added support for buffing and abilities with cooldown -Fixed a ton of errors that might have crashed the # :P Initial: *****************************************************

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    wtb uthgard 100 usd

    Account Information
    offering 100 usd for a decent character on uthgard

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT HIB UTH/WTB Stealther

    Account Information
    got for trade a 50 vw fully temp 3l5. 31 ranger on it too. looking for ANY stealther on uthgard
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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