Dark Age of Camelot Buy Account, DAOC Buy Account, Dark Age of Camelot Character

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

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    WTS account

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    Ok here it is i want 90-100 Or best offer My acct has a Lvl50 Paladin with mostly everything on him is a artifact he is somehwere in RR4L6 i think he has ML2 i think (havent played in forever) account has Labriniyth paid for also acct has fully spellcrafted infilitrator in Thidranki also acct has a NEW LVL 50 scout also now with bad gear but he is lvl 50 lol good enough, acct might have like 1 plat left idk havent played in a year and acct has some toons around lvl30 and stuff SERVER IS GALAHAD has random characters on other servers also ASKING PRICE- $90-100 :D

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    spamsite -Buy/Trade/Sell/Make/rent s SCAMMER s SCAMMER/List Your Accounts

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    Please go here: spamsite/affiliate/track.php?id=GLASS&to= spamsite is proud to announce that the next generation of RMT is officially launched… an entirely new innovated RMT website featuring never before seen services! Our spamsite corporate website is now easier to navigate and more functional than ever before! We are launching FIVE NEW SERVICES for accounts including: · Build An Account · Special Accounts · List Your Account We are also bringing back: · Trade In Accounts · Accounts Rental You can now do all the following in our spamsite website: · Purchase characters · Sell your characters · Trade in your old characters · Purchase a special pre-ordered account · Build your own custom dream character · List your account directly on our network of sites · Try renting is SCAMMER a character out before you buy one Our MMORPG Accounts features the following games: · Anarchy Online · City of Heroes · City of Villains · Dark Age of Camelot · Eve Online · EverQuest · EverQuest 2 · Final Fantasy 11 · Guild Wars · Lineage 2 · Lord of the Rings Online · RF Online · Star Wars Galaxies · (New!) Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa · Vanguard: Saga of Heroes · World of Warcraft US · World of Warcraft Europe BUY ACCOUNTS - Purchase from over 2,000 accounts for over 15 different MMORPG's. - 100% GUARANTEED! - Guaranteed delivery and satisfaction that your account is delivered on time and everything matches the description… OR your money back! - All accounts are protected from any sale bans as you will never have your account banned from something we performed or we offer a 100% refund! All accounts are secure, and our 24/7 USA customer support is available through email and live chat anytime, any day to assist you with whatever questions you have. - Don’t forget to keep checking out our website… we are adding over 2,000 new accounts per month! SPECIAL ACCOUNTS - Our unbeatable new SPECIAL PRE-ORDER ACCOUNTS is NOW AVAILABLE! - You can now order an account at bare minimum cost which features everything a used account has… PLUS so much more! - All accounts are 100% satisfaction guaranteed delivered, and 100% protection on all accounts as we are building an account specifically for you making you the ORIGINAL OWNER of your own custom made account! - Nobody in the industry can beat our prices! If an account cannot be delivered to you, we will give you a 100% refund guaranteed! SELL YOUR ACCOUNTS - Sell your MMORPG account to us in LESS THAN 60 SECONDS! - Submit all your game account information - Click to receive a quote - Fill out your information - RECEIVE PAYMENT WITHIN 24 HOURS! Note: Prices are determined by categories based on server, level, class, race, gender, equipment, currency, tradeskills, expansions, special abilities, and more. The more you give us information about your account, the better we give you the best price possible! GUARANTEED PAYMENT! All payments are 100% guaranteed delivered by secure payment via PayPal or we will give back your account with a payment sent! BUILD AN ACCOUNT We now offer you a chance to BUILD YOUR OWN CUSTOM MADE DREAM ACCOUNT! Select anything you desire to be placed on your account ranging from server, level, class, race, gender, currency, skills and so much more! Just follow the three simple steps below… THREE (3) SIMPLE STEPS: 1. Simply submit all the information and what would you like to be included in your dream game account 2. CLICK BUY IT NOW 3. Upon verification, we will start building YOUR BRAND NEW GAME ACCOUNT! ALL ACCOUNTS ARE GUARANTEED! All accounts are 100% satisfaction guaranteed delivered, and 100% protection on all accounts as we are building an account specifically for you making you the ORIGINAL OWNER of your custom made account. If an account cannot be delivered to you, we will give you a 100% refund guaranteed! TRADE YOUR ACCOUNTS Our previously launched trade function is returning with an entirely new system… It now allows you to exchange your old boring character/game account for an exciting brand new one! LIST YOUR ACCOUNT This ALL NEW feature is launching this coming late October 2007… You don’t like the quote we gave you? You don’t want to trade-in your old game account? You just want to NAME YOUR OWN PRICE for that particular game account? LIST IT DIRECTLY ON OUR SITE! If it sells, you receive a commission amount send immediately to your PayPal! This is a FIRST in HISTORY… a RMT Retail Company will allow you to list your account onto our website… and be retailed across multiple different high traffic viewed websites! rent s SCAMMER AN ACCOUNT ACCOUNT RENTAL IS ALSO BACK! Our account rentals will feature almost ALL MMORPG games available on the market today! You will have the option to rent s SCAMMER from various classes and races! The beta testing for account rentals will be live on MIDDLE to LATE OCTOBER 2007

    Account for Sale

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    WTS Kobold Shadowblade on Gareth Classic

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    Hi, I want to sell my level 50 Kobold Shadowblade. He's been 50 since a Week so hes not templated yet and still 1l1. -37 Platin on him -cl 7,5 => CL Weapon and Dragon Weapon -and also the Dragonwest -Epic Armor - 3 Full / 3 Realm respecs if you interessted send me a email with an offer [email protected]

    Account for Sale

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    RR9L8 Scout and RR8L7 infiltrator pvp server

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    I sell to daoc account on pvp server RR9L8 Scout full templated RR8L7 infiltrator fully temp ( Moment of zen ) 100$ for each More inf send me a msg daoc@topnurses

    Account for Sale

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    wellwow is scammer and spamer is scammer and spamer cheap powerleveling,honorleveling ,Buy gold

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    wellwow is scammer and spamer (wellwow is scammer and spamer) As you might or might not known that Taiwan earthquake has caused most of supplier are experiencing the serve problem to process the gold. However, eBankGame is always stay line with all the game players to help you guys to enjoy the game at any time. We provide Gold Farmer service for you to own the gold with little bit expense. Your expense will be more valuable by take one action and gain multiple purposes. The service is focus on gold farming for your character in the game by using professional human player to taking tasks and gain reputation in the game in order to gain the gold for you (We do not apply any plug-in or # on your character). Meanwhile your character will beimproved 1-15 power leveling which depends on your original level(this aspect is not available for Level 60). wellwow is scammer and spamer (wellwow is scammer and spamer) World of Warcraft ,Ever Quest 2,Lineage 2,Final Fantasy XI,Guild Wars,Dungeons and Dragons ,City Of Villains,City of Heroes etc service.powerleveling service and honorleveling service,gold service,wellwow can give u a #.if you can visit our website.we can offer lower price for our website.please contact for get the disount code.(via email or live that). if we haven't on our live chat,please send email contact for us.please give us one chance,we will let you got new experience and best service !:) 1.powerleveling Lvl1-60+Lvl 40 Mount +300 First Aid+300G (12.5days) $135.99 powerleveling Lvl 60-70+375 First Aid(8days) $99.99 powerleveling Super A:Lvl1-70+375 First Aid+40Lvl Mount+60Lvl Epic Mount+300G(22days) $239.99 2.Honor levleing service 24hours per day $19.00 10000 honor points(1days) $19.99 Honor levleing service get 50 Eye of the Storm Mark Medals $30.00 Week Plan:Honor leveling service for 12hours per day(7days) $84.00 all professions Marshal or Warlords set (6pieces include:head,shoulders,chest,hands,l,feet),need 60+ Level $189.99 all professions Marshal or High Warlords Dragonhide Sets(5pieces include head,shoulders,chest,hands,l) need 70+ Level $189.99 3.The Fastest Delivery Speed on all Servers in 1-8 hours since your payment arrives.If the deliver is delayed over 8 hours, you will get 5% extra gold for the late.Or you can request a refund. 4.Special # Servers.Sometimes, there will be some servers, with special discounts, with extremely NICE PRice on some certain servers. 5.Perfect Service.24 hours service with various contact methods: , ICQ,email and Online Chat on Web homepage,Welcome to wellwow is scammer and spamer If any problem, please contact us asap! Happy shopping! Sincerely, wellwow is scammer and spamer E-mail:seller@wellwow :seller@wellwow ICQ:529070828 Choose your game World of Warcraft US World of Warcraft Europe Ever Quest Ever Quest 2 Lineage 2 Final Fantasy XI Guild Wars EVE Online Dungeons and Dragons City Of Villains City of Heroes The Lord of the Rings Online US The Lord of the Rings Online Europe go to wellwow is scammer and spamer

    Account for Sale

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    DAoC Account for sale, 50's and high level in all crafting

    Account Information
    Gareth - Hibernia Level 50 Male Celt Bard - Champion Level 6 Realm Rank 2L8 1153 Revered Crafter LGM Armorcrafter (LGM before the updated crafter patch) Titles: Dragon Foe (19 kills), Revered Crafter, Legendary Armorer, King's Champion Currently holds 12 Plat Very Well Templated Mount - Epic Storm Horse Level 50 Male Shar Vampiir - CL 10 RR 2L6 750 Alchemy Titles: Champion of the Realm, Senior Alchemist Currently holds 63 Plat Very Well Templated Mount - Epic Fire Horse Level 50 Male Lurikeen Ranger - CL 2 RR 4L0 509 Fletching Titles: Honored Crafter, Junior Fletcher Currently holds 5 Plat Very Well Templated Mount - Chestnut Horse Level 50 Male Firbolg Hero - CL 6 RR 2L5 513 Weapon Crafting Titles: King's Champion, Honored Crafter, Assistant Weaponsmith Currently holds 4 Plat Very Well Templated Mount - Epic Black Unicorn Level 50 Male Lurikeen Nightshade - CL 2 RR 4L1 520 Tailoring Titles: Honored Crafter, Junior Tailor Currently holds 1 Plat Very Well Templated Mount - Chestnut Horse Level 50 Female Lurikeen Bainshee - CL 2 RR 3L0 Currently holds 9 Plat Very Well Templated Mount - Chestnut Horse Level 44 Male Elf Mentalist - RR 1L7 306 Spellcrafting Titles: Neophyte Spellcrafter Currently holds 0.5 Plat Well Templated Mount - Chestnut Horse Level 39 Male Shar Champion - RR 2L0 Currently holds 0.5 Plat Mount - Chestnut Horse Well Templated Level 34 Male Dragonian Mauler - RR 1L5 Mount - Chestnut Horse Currently holds 1 Plat Many of my hibernian toons have antique OLD Dragon items as well as new dragon items on them. Also, I own a cottage in Gareth housing with a consignment merchant, forge, bindstone, and a few merchants. Ector - Albion Level 50 Male Inconnu Necromancer - CL 1 RR 2L0 Currently holds 2 Plat Well Templated Mount - Chestnut Horse Level 43 Male Briton Heretic - RR 1L8 633 Alchemy Titles: Honored Crafter, Journeyman Alchemist Currently holds 0.5 Plat E-mail me at sinkrote@comcast with offers/questions

    Account for Sale

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    Regeln / Rules

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    [Deutsch] .:Unsere Regeln:. 1) Fragen? Besuch die Suchfunktion oder unseren Q&A Thread. 2) Keine Beleidigung oder Flames. 3) Kein Spamen oder Doppelposts. 4) Entscheidungen des Moderators sind zu respektieren. 5) Zickerein und Streit ist untersagt, regelt das über die PM Funktion. 6) Hier wird Englisch oder Deutsch gesprochen. 7) Viren oder Reflinks sind verboten. 8) Accounttausch und ähnliches ist hier nicht erlaubt - nutze The Black Market! [English] .:Our Rules:. 1) Questions? Use the search function or our Q&A thread. 2) No flames and insults. 3) No spaming and doubleposts. 4) Respect your moderator and his decision. 5) You have a problem with a other user? Use our PM Function. 6) Speak german or english only. 7) Dont trade trojans/virens here. 8) Account trading/selling isnt allowed - use The Black Market! seynoe

    Account for Sale

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    WTS plat hib

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    3euro(4USD)/per plat on hib send me a pm

    Account for Sale

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    [Release] Daoc Multihack

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    Hi everybody, We released a multihack software (mmohovercraft), and it contain a *****************************************************. We decided to make a free week , you can use these KeyCode to activate it. ( Keycodes available before the 31 March ) Good Game DAoC169-ZOVE-NWYY-2I92-ULVV DAoC169-F6WG-5IK5-LBGE-BXB0 DAoC169-9H4I-BINL-VEUS-3QY1 DAoC169-D31V-N7AH-3RPO-U4C3 DAoC169-XF2A-AU26-7QX7-TUDG DAoC169-LC4X-H7UO-V9UI-ZYQ5 DAoC169-32HP-S6XN-WYCL-68R7 DAoC169-1TIP-TGGB-X49R-F8F0 DAoC169-JXQ4-0JVQ-5D7B-CCVD DAoC169-9I1U-E9I8-DB33-OWQL DAoC169-5ZWS-WMQ6-1RCF-UPDS DAoC169-TEP7-NEDQ-U3ZL-JHGI DAoC169-3OJ3-5OUC-U0Z3-B9AX DAoC169-39YA-V5EX-W60N-WAIR DAoC169-TGNX-8RZ5-W1TO-8MUO DAoC169-Z7GH-O3F1-IBLM-52M0 DAoC169-PSOT-8JM1-HJOB-FBS0 DAoC169-01XU-XYHY-DE5F-9QLB DAoC169-VMK7-8UCE-0KMC-1SZP DAoC169-QRXT-ML3G-QK4X-B2LQ DAoC169-ANZF-X5NI-KJOO-L97Q DAoC169-MCC2-0FN5-5IZ7-I2DQ DAoC169-8XRJ-CHSI-11J1-FPZW DAoC169-3NK2-5RJL-WIM3-5ZT3 DAoC169-4RF1-0T18-9BZB-6MQ9 DAoC169-TPH3-G03D-H2UT-8B8J DAoC169-482S-B0XL-A3PG-PEJ0 DAoC169-TSAM-ZUGI-AX2S-BRAJ DAoC169-NWJD-UIWU-T3WK-2CKD DAoC169-TKYB-H99Y-9O42-UGX9 Ps : If not enought keys , just ask here , but before try all

    Account for Sale

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    WTT uth mid acc.

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    WTT skald acc liv50 full sced, full cap and alche. 5LX , template has great drop on . PM offers.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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