DAOC Buy Account, Dark Age of Camelot Buy Account, Dark Age of Camelot Character

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Disable AK

    Account Information
    Im looking for a working radar, or if someone point me to where I can disable AK server check. Currently I am using Wireshark to filter packet headers and make a list of players around me but with no location.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [WTB] Faith Account // RR13+ Epic3+

    Account Information
    Looking for an Faith Account.. 100+ Million RPs are interessting.. An Epic3-5 Char would be nice, but not that important. Just PM me offering Euros ^^

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS 5p on alb Uthgard

    Account Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    ***Chito's AUCTION HOUSE for UTHGARD ACCOUNTS!*** ( 1 2)

    Account Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [WTB] Working Autokiller Radar [OFFER] PSC

    Account Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [WTB] Working Autokiller Radar [OFFER] PSC

    Account Information
    Looking for a working Autokiller Version, so that probably means Cracked Files + Key.. Would be nice to get it for free from a nice person, but I am also willing to pay up to 10 Bugs via Paypal/PSC/uCash -- Suche eine funktionierende Autokiller Version, also gecrackte Dateien + Key.. Wäre nett es for free von nem netten User zu bekommen, aber notfalls würde ich auch bis zu 10 Kröten via PP/PSC/uCash zahlen. Just PM me..

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    ***Chito's AUCTION HOUSE for UTHGARD ACCOUNTS!*** ( 1 2)

    Account Information
    Hey Guys! I’m going to have my own thread open for all who are interested in selling accounts that i would like to buy. You will get detailed pricing of what I’m willing to pay level, RR, template, crafter. ALL Transactions will be done via Paypal!! Level 50's: I will pay 40 USD (.80 USD per level) I am also willing to buy 1-49 characters also! The "+" is added onto the characters level price (example, i buy a level 50 from you and he is RR5, with temp I would pay 75 USD.) RR5 +20 RR6 +30 RR7 +40 RR8 +50 RR9 +60 RR10 +70 Template +15 LGM crafter +25 Platinum +3.50 per plat. (I also like to buy plat separately that is not on character) Classes’ I’m MAINLY interested, but I’m open to others: Armsman Paladin Mercenary Infiltrator Sorcerer You can mix and match any of these and send me a message and i will see if your account ur trying to sell interest me. but these are my going prices, which are fair. I have been very diligent with my payments with my accounts and so far, i have a good rep on these boards. I hope u guys would continue doing business with me Dont hesitate to message me!

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS 5p on alb Uthgard

    Account Information
    cheaper than anyone else. must sell all 5 though. not splitting this up. PM me

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS rank 4 fully sc'd BERSERKER on UTHGARD - 60$

    Account Information
    rank 4, 500 wc, FULLY SC'd MP wep template. also on account 40 shaman! asking 60$ USD

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS rank 5 leg SC fully templated DRUID uthgard - 75$

    Account Information
    this is legit. pm me and we'll talk. selling for 65. fast fast fast 65$ USD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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