Buy Accounts DAOC, DAOC Sell Buy Accounts, DAOC Character

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 Eldritch Lurikeen Male on Mordred - All

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment: Best ToA template possible, maxed stats
    Main Characters Tradeskills:
    Main Characters Spec: Light/Mana
    Realm Rank: 7
    Realm Points: 1700000
    Houses: 1
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:

    Additional Information

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 Nightshade luriken Male on Mordred - All

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 2 - Partially Geared
    Describe Equipment: Has alot of his gear just missing a couple things
    Main Characters Tradeskills: tailor
    Main Characters Spec:
    Realm Rank: 8L4
    Realm Points:
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:

    Additional Information

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 Nightshade luriken Male on Mordred - All

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 2 - Partially Geared
    Describe Equipment: Has alot of his gear just missing a couple things
    Main Characters Tradeskills: tailor
    Main Characters Spec:
    Realm Rank: 8L4
    Realm Points:
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:

    Additional Information

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 warlock frostalf Male on Morgan Le Fay - Albion

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment: Tuscaren vest dragon objects need 2 champ lvl to wear shield and mace to be at top (items are already in the inventory) and 67 plats in too
    Main Characters Tradeskills:
    Main Characters Spec: 44 witch 29 hex rest curse
    Realm Rank: 1l4
    Realm Points:
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: briton cleric ml10 perfecter cl10 5l3 with 11 plats caer sidi vest need magma imbued arcane gestures and bracer of heavenly bodies to be with BEST POSSIBLE EQUIP. Smith spec.
    Alternative Character Server: Lancelot - Hibernia
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: elf ranger 3l4 good tp
    Alternative Character Server: Lancelot - Hibernia
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: elf nightshade 1l6 good tp with 2 plats and ml10 swords
    Alternative Character Server: Lancelot - Hibernia
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: shar vampiir uber geared 3l1
    Alternative Character Server: Lancelot - Hibernia
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: celt hero 2l7 good tp
    Alternative Character Server: Lancelot - Midgard
    Alternative Character Level: 40
    Alternative Character Class: dwarf skald
    Alternative Character Server: Lancelot - Midgard
    Alternative Character Level: 35
    Alternative Character Class: dwarf thane

    Additional Information
    useful for playes who want to run solo but still works for groups.

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 clerick human Female on Morgan Le Fay - Albion

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 4 - Good Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment: nimbust strand dragonslayer weaponand armor.nimbus strand cape of legerdemain , average myth of power,crown of zahur,jacinas sash,leviathan ring of defiance, bracelet of zo,ring arcane gestures egg of youth charred dragonscale boots
    Main Characters Tradeskills: alchemy 1112
    Main Characters Spec: 36 rejuv, 40 enhance 4 smiting
    Realm Rank: 5l1
    Realm Points: 595109
    Houses: 1
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: scout
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 39
    Alternative Character Class: reaver
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 38
    Alternative Character Class: infiltrator
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 37
    Alternative Character Class: theurgist
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 38
    Alternative Character Class: minstral

    Additional Information

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 scout human Female on Morgan Le Fay - Albion

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 4 - Good Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment: fools bow, dragonscale bucler, soul sapper guard of valor dragonslyer arm-leg-botts errie drakness stone tick bracer of duntless courage, belt of granite enhancement,marshias shardskin gloves egregarius ring of nighmere
    Main Characters Tradeskills: leatherworking 207
    Main Characters Spec: 19 shield 49 archery 42 shield 19 thrust
    Realm Rank: 5l3
    Realm Points: 655389
    Houses: 1
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: cleric
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 39
    Alternative Character Class: reaver
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 38
    Alternative Character Class: infiltrator
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 37
    Alternative Character Class: theurgist
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 38
    Alternative Character Class: minstral

    Additional Information

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 Cleric Highlander Female on Morgan Le Fay - Albion

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment: dragonslayer fully templated
    Main Characters Tradeskills: Spellcrafting
    Main Characters Spec: 40 rejuv,36 Enhancements,
    Realm Rank: 2l4
    Realm Points: 23864
    Houses: 1
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:
    Alternative Character Server: Tristan - Albion
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: Armsman
    Is there Playtime Remaining on the Account? (Actively Subscribed): Yes

    Additional Information
    its a really good cleric lots of dragon drops and more

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 cleric briton Female on Morgan Le Fay - Albion

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment: all capped ressists, 390 hits, 4 power charges, 42 power pool, 101 dex/piety , 82 con. 10 range/castspd, 25 buff bonus/heal bonus
    Main Characters Tradeskills:
    Main Characters Spec:
    Realm Rank: rank 10L1
    Realm Points:
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:
    Alternative Character Server: Tristan - Midgard
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: shaman
    Alternative Character Server: Guinevere - Hibernia
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: druid

    Additional Information
    shaman and druid fully templated aswell

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 druid Male on Morgan Le Fay - Hibernia

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment:
    Main Characters Tradeskills:
    Main Characters Spec: heals and buffs
    Realm Rank:
    Realm Points: 7
    Houses: villa
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:

    Additional Information

    Total Gold

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 50 Hero Celt Male on Morgan Le Fay - Hibernia

    Account Information
    Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Equipment: Adol armor, MS, Director rings of chaos, warshadow, SoM, SGF, DoD
    Main Characters Tradeskills: 1000 SIege
    Main Characters Spec: 50 LW 42 Shield 34 parry 20 blades
    Realm Rank: 4L5
    Realm Points: 344042
    Houses: 1
    Select the number of alts over Level 30:
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Hibernia
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: Ranger
    Alternative Character Server: Morgan Le Fay - Hibernia
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: Eldritch
    Alternative Character Server: Pellinor - Midgard
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: hunter
    Alternative Character Server: Pellinor - Midgard
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: Warrior
    Alternative Character Server: Pellinor - Midgard
    Alternative Character Level: 50
    Alternative Character Class: Warlock
    Is there Playtime Remaining on the Account? (Actively Subscribed): No

    Additional Information

    Total Gold
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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