TRADING Habbo/runescape/Facebook. Pins FOR Ultimate Game Cards ! Hello People, I need some Ultimate Game Cards OR anything to give me SPINS for squeel of fortune like the squeel of fortune pins. I HAVE TO TRADE FOR: - HABOO PINS OF R$10, R$15, R$25, R$45 & R$100 - Facebook. PINS OF R$10, R$15, R$25, R$45 & R$100 (PAY ATTENTION: Values of habook and Facebook. pins in BRAZILIAN REAL, but you can credit it in any currency) - RUNESCAPE PINS OF: . 900 Runecoins (Value: R$40) . 120 Member Days (Value: R$40) . 25 Member Days + 200 Runecoins (Value: R$20) . 420 Runecoins (Value: R$20) . 50 Member Days (Value: R$20) MSG ME Thank You Very Much !!
you can report to santa claus too. jagex already knows the situation and already had the chance to make acomodations to brazilians. i can just say, I'M SO SORRY.