Sold [US][H] Nintendo handheld collection and some others lot, Ogre Battle 64, Street Fighter...

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/LordOfTheGame420, 3/14/25 at 2:02 PM.

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  1. /u/LordOfTheGame420

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    Looking to sell a chunk of my collection as one lot, hoping to rehome all at once. Everything is in great condition and authentic, Summon Knight 2 has a faded cover, though. Everything tested, working, and saves. Price is based on a bundled #. US only unless buyer is willing to pay full shipping costs.

    Paypal g&s


    GBA Fire Emblem Fire Emblem: Sacred Stone Sigma Star Golden Sun Summon Knight 1 Summon Knight 2 Monster Rancher DBZ Legacy of Goku 2

    GBC Donkey Kong Country Space Invaders Legend of the River King DBZ Legendary Super Warriors Ms Pacman

    GB Final Fantasy Legends 2 Final Fantasy Adventure Street Racer Fist of the North Star Pacman Ren & Stimpy Space Cadet Galaga & Galaxian

    DS Mario Party Super Mario Bros

    N64 Ogre Battle 64 Cruisin 64

    PS1 Street Fighter Alpha 3

    # #/LordOfTheGame420
    # .
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