Sold Selling Selling lvl94 (vip14) and lvl97 (vip13 almost 14)

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sandro9595, 1/18/17.

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  1. Sandro9595

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    I quiting the game and I decided to sell both accounts...they have all possible heroes and 90% are alredyfive star..server is 185 in top guild there (Unity) highest level on server and in top5 of all heroes power in both accout with more then 850000. Also one of the accounts is guild leaderother one is officer in most powerfull guild. In both accounts I have invested 4000 dollarsor even more for last fewmonths..alsoboth accounts passed all feature very easy..they are played with expirience and knowlige..more then 60 red heroes alredy..I still have some active cards there and I never miss any heroic pack from game start. Price is 300 dollars for one or 400 dollars for both in package..Im allso redy to nogate so if anyone is interested contact me on Whats app messinger on number +381643947309 for more questions..
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