Account Ready | FAST DELIVERY GUARANTEE Full image : Server: GLOBAL Rank : 164 Spirits Orb : 190 Gold : 3,970,000,000 Login : ID KLAB Device : Android/iOS **NOTE : Email has not been linked, Login ID KLAB, You Can Change Email KLAB. ***Transaction must be made when I am online, bcs it need code to login. So, please wait till I'm online. All changes must be made : change email ID klab & password. (Before u login, erase data in game title screen if u ever played before). If u new to the game, do from step 1) 1. Login klab account in web klab using email and password I gave to you (there is code from me afterward) 2. After login, check the game account 3. After check the game account, back to browser that used to login KLab 4. Scroll below then click "account management" 5. Change email (email and game apps must be in one device) 6. Change password click "change register information" 100% safe account guaranteed, problematic account or account got # back FULL REFUNDS.