Sold [WTS] LTI Ships - Zeus / Ares / Paladin / Guardian / Nova / Storm / C8r / Valkyrie

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/AkMo977, 3/11/25 at 5:53 AM.

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  1. /u/AkMo977

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    Selling a few ships OC and CCUd, all LTI

    OC Zeus MR MkII with Solstice Paint - LTI - $260 (Melt $170)

    OC C8R plus Code Blue Paint - LTI - $115 (Melt $60)

    OC Paladin plus Shadowfall Paint - LTI - $320 (Melt $260)

    OC Guadian QI plus Sovereign Paint - LTI - $300 (Melt $240)

    OC Storm plus Summit Paint - LTI - $130 (Melt $70)

    OC Tumbril Nova Tank - LTI - $200 (Melt $105)

    • Includes Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Model / Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Box / Tumbril Nova Tank Poster

    Pack - Ares Ion/Inferno CCUd in Pulse and Pulse LX Plus Dominion Paints - LTI - $425 (Melt $488)

    Valkyrie - CCU'd from Fury MX plus Leatherback paint - LTI - $325 (Melt $370)

    RSI Confirmed only

    Paypal Invoice only

    # #/AkMo977
    # .
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