Sold High End Account - Lvl 66, Endgame Combat and Lifeskills. Legacy ~ FULL DETAILS!

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kryth, 3/10/25 at 3:24 PM.

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  1. Kryth

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    My Location:
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    Make Offer
    Looking forward to continue the journey of my account
    Been Exhauster & Completely Left this game!
    Asking Price : $200

    Contact me in discord to discuss
    my DISCORD Tag:
    Contact On PlayerUp


    The characters in this account are sitting pretty at end game. Shai/Guardian grinds for an average of 1.3 billion- 2.0 billion silver per hour.

    Lifeskiller at 2,000 mastery. He makes between 980 million and 1.6 billion silver per hour, depending on the luck of the mini-games/ type of activities you are doing.

    Fisher is set up at Hakoven with a perma compass and perma map. Daily, he makes 1 billion, depending on the red prize fish caught. (up to 10 billion/day depending on the luck of treasure fish)

    Worker empire is primarily geared toward the generation of all cooking items in the game nodes.

    Extra characters in this cast are mostly set to purpose, and purchased necessities via pearlshop to help them be effective- like the farmer and the combat alts for treasure locations.

    I will try and check in on the status of this sale daily.

    While this account sits on sale, I will be actively playing and building value. The CM currently has over 400b in materials.

    If you buy this account, you are purchasing over 40 thousand hours of progress instantly. And a seat at the high table.

    Ex 1:


    Note: all remaining days recorded on 11/30/2024


    Ex 2:


    Note: Primary combat character. Double PEN blackstar, PEN firey sunset artina sol. Plenty of reroll coupons in storage if you wish to change.


    Ex 3:


    Note: Shai's inventory and pearl inventory.


    Ex 4:


    Note: Primary Fishing character. Has alot of the lifegear equipped that all characters share to lifeskill all over the world.


    Ex 5:


    Note: Fisher's inventory and pearl inventory. She's holding the perma compass and perma map. Easy warp home and back.


    Ex 6:


    Note: Main lifeskiller on land. He's the original starter, has the bulk of the pearl purchases.


    Ex 7:


    Note: Main Lifeskiller's inventory and pearl inventory.


    Ex 8:


    Note: Tagged Guardian. She has 333 ap due to the TET sovereign awakening weapon.


    Ex 9:


    Note: Tagged Guardian's inventory and pearl inventory.


    Ex 10:


    Note: Farmer. He's posted up on top of the 10 pearlshop farms.


    Ex 11:


    Note: Farmer's inventory and pearl inventory.


    Ex 12:


    Note: All crystals in the bag.


    Ex 13:


    Note: Lightstone combo's. Most of them slotted in BiS artifacts.


    Ex 14:


    Note: Fairy with BiS Miraculous Cheer V


    Ex 15:


    Note: All character slots purchased. Total of 34 at the moment.


    Ex 16:


    Note: All pets. They make a combat set. A life EXP gathering set. A bird knowledge set. A cooking set. A fishing cooldown set.


    Ex 17:


    Note: All maids.


    Ex 18:


    Note: Combo illustration here: Tent proof, Fence proof, Life tool proof, and Ecology proof.

    Note: Also, the farmer has a dedicated lightstone combo equipped.


    Ex 19:

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