Sold [WTB] Constellation Phoenix/ 2018 St Patricks day emerald OC LTI, CCU to Phoenix, Hartwell...

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/TheTanTan69, 3/9/25 at 5:42 PM.

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  1. /u/TheTanTan69

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    Looking specifically for an OC LTI phoenix or phoenix emerald from the 2018 St patricks day. Message me if you have one of these and im sure we can working something out

    Also looking to buy a CCU to a phoenix. I would pay 250-300 for one of these.

    Also looking for a phoenix package that has the hartwell music sentinel in it.

    Also looking for an F7A. I can do around 300 for one.

    Also looking for a rear Admiral game package. Would pay 400-450 for one.

    # #/TheTanTan69
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