Selling  14000 Gems  Both Android/iOS  1-24 Hours LEGAL REPLENISHMENT OF YOUR ACCOUNT FROM 14,000 TO 140,000 GEMS OR PACK

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Gems | COC Gem for Sale' started by GreenPeace, 3/5/25.

  1. GreenPeace

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    Hello Hello Hello Dear friends !!!!!!!!
    > I offer my services for replenishing game currency in mobile and computer games <
    > Everything is completely legal, I work with any currency Gold, Diamonds, Gems, Silver, Resources, UC, CP<
    > No blocking for 2 years 4 months work, everything has already been checked completely, all replenishments will be with receipts <
    > Replenishment time varies from 1 minimum to 24 maximum hours <
    > Regular customers are served without a queue <

    You can find out all the details only here >>>

    Gmail Official >>> greenpeacesshop @

    D1scord Official >>> topgreenshop

    Average prices are constant at the moment:

    14000 gems & pack >>> 48 usd (the function has bonuses)

    42000 gems & pack >>> 140 usd (the function has bonuses)

    140000 gems & pack >>> 420 usd (the function has bonuses)

    With respect, your Green Clean Man !!!!!!!