Sold [WTT] [WTS] CCULTi Pack that has 2 ships

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Altruistic-Mix5123, 3/4/25.

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  1. /u/Altruistic-Mix5123

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    i Sell a CCULTi Pack that has 2 ship the ships are The Vulture and The F7C-M Super Hornet Mk II for 400 or
    430 if you want the F7 Hornet Mk II Heartseeker Upgrade Kit with armor too. (# Price is 390 lowest - 460 highest )

    melt with heartseeker is 385

    you must have at least 1 sell You send first if you have no history (0 sells). Verified Paypal only.
    we can do discord if you so wish

    option if you want to trade:

    i am willing to trade for

    Reclaimer CCULTI or OCLTI (100% sure)

    or OC LTI/CCU LTI Starlaner Tac (100% sure)

    or CCU LTI/OC LTI Starlaner Max and some mony(#) (100% sure)

    Perseus CCU'D LTI (100% sure)

    OCLTI or CCU LTI Retaliator with the Torpedos stern x1 or and cargo bow x1 10y ins. for the mdules or you pay me money if you dont have the modules 150€ (100% sure)

    # #/Altruistic-Mix5123
    # .
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